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How to prove how often you have your kids in TX

Started by darneson, Sep 29, 2005, 09:23:28 AM

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My wife and I are going to get divorced. She left beginning of August 2005 and moved in with some guy she has known for about 3 months. She also, incidently, took 80% of all of our mutual belongings. Up till now we have been splitting time with the kids. (which has been difficult since the guy she is with is a stranger to the kids..they only met him twice before moving in with him). I rearranged my work schedule to acommadate the new arrangment and now am about to have to do so again.

Recently she has been accusing me of only wanting to see the children half the time so that I don't have the to pay child support. She is also claiming to me that I only have the kids on or two nights a week which is completely false. For the last month and a half I have been sending emails to an account documenting when I have the children and there has not been one week were I have not had them the majority of the time. My fear is that she is now going to try to keep the children from me in order to get child support. Don't get me wrong...it is not about child support it is about being able to see my kids. I don't want her keeping them from me on purpose just so she can say she is the primary provider and can get child support.

What do I need to do to prove how often I have the children so that when the divorce/seperation proceedings get underway I can get joint physical and legal custody ?


Download the time tracker off this website to help track how often you have the kids,  Keep receipts etc and have witness who see the kids with you.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


go to lots of things like community events, school events, sports or scouts & get lots of pics. Also get someone there to sign your tickets or something that you can use as a receipt & proof of the date.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression!


As suggested above, go to events, take lots pictures there and of your everyday life (playing outside, etc).

Set up playdates with other moms and dads who could testify if needed on how much quality time they observe you spending with your kids.


Always, Always keep a journal (use a spiral notebook or something handy) even after the court proceedings. Enter the date and time and make short entries such as picked kids up took kids home etc. Everytime she calls you for anything uncivilized make an entry briefly describing event. If she ever calls for you to take them extra make an entry. I did this during and since my divorce and it has proved my case twice in court because I could give exact dates and times of visits or no shows or arguments. It even helped prove and convict on a phone harrassment charge. If she doesnt keep a journal and you do then your attorney can rip her apart in court


Journals are definitely a great idea.
That way, when needed you can go back to past incidents and refresh your memory.


I'm from Texas and the IRS wants the following to prove you have had the children more than 50% of the time.

1. Church records or letter from pastor.
2. School records, showing you the parent of records
3. Daycare records, showing you the parent of record

And lots of receipts showing you BUY food, clothing and shelter.

Look on the IRS website, it will give you the best information as far as proof you need.