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My Ex want custody to avoid paying Child Support???

Started by erickbond, Aug 15, 2009, 07:05:04 PM

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I have three kids and two with my ex. In Aug 08, I move to a better part of town where the school performs better. From the Divorce decree, I can't move more than 60 miles away from him (which I didn't I over 55 miles away). The next month, Sep 08, I file for Modification of Custody and/or Visitation since the previous 6 months he saw his kid when he feel like it.

Once every month and for the summer he saw them only once. I never stop him to see is kids. But he lies to them and tells then his coming and never show up. Since Jan 09 is saw his son 3 times because his son doesn't want to go with him.... He hides in the house to not go and cry if we force him. The daughter that he never pays attention of is desperately seeking for his attention and went once a moth with him (when he shows up).  We add a mediation hearing and there was no way to talk, he screams and lie and the mediator send us to court.  3 days before the court, I receive paper from layer!!!
He has a lawyer!!! (By the way the Child support system show he owes more than $18,400 in child support) Is layer is sending me a request for ore time, which I deny and the same day I received by mail a Motion to Dismiss, Motion for Contempt, Motion for Modification of child Custody and Visitation and Motion for Psychological Evaluation.


I don't have money for a lawyer... All I wanted is for him to help taking care of his kids!!! He does not pay or help or anything!!
I feel like giving up!!! I don't make any money and I don't know what to do or how to reply to those motions...

Please somebody helps!! What can I do to fight back??

I know he take drug?
Can I make the court testing for drug and show that he is not a suitable parent?? HELP!!!


you can request he takes drug tests, but if he passes you have to pay. and if you attack his character and cant prove it, you could end up paying his legal fee's. what you need to do is get a lawyer, because with out one he's going to smoke you in court, sorry it's just reality. start calling lawyers and see if any will take your case with a payment plan. dont stop calling!! good luck.


Check around for a Legal Aid office in your area. You might try this site: www.lsc.gov

I know how frustrating it is to need to protect your kids and not have the money it requires. We are basically in the same boat right now. I hope you qualify for assistance so you can fight him on this.

Good luck!


Unfortantately you cannot make your ex want to love, or see his own children. That has to come from him, no one can "force" him to be a father. If he's that far behind on his support, does not see the kids, and want's more time I don't think there is a judge or refree attorney in the country that won't see what his real motive is.

You may want to advise the father....errrr sperm donor, that if he want's to move foward with this that the judge will not take any pity on him. If he has the money to obtain a lawyer while being 20k behind on his support he may find himself in a county lockup. I wouldn't mention anything about the drug testing. He would probably stop long enough for it to be clean.

Also, what is your ex trying to use to get custody? What idiot lawyer would even take this case?