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A New Year and Already!!!!

Started by ER, Jan 01, 2006, 02:30:17 PM

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I was just informed today by my son's grandmother (ex's mother) that I should look into getting my child drug tested due to another family member comming forward with information regarding this past Holiday Season.

It was on Christmas day that this "fa,ily" member observed my son being very unnormal to the point of being a "zombie" It was heard through thin walls at this place that my son was given cough syrup with Codine in it. Once this was being said the conversation quickly stopped as it not to continue to others listening in.

Further, my son's mother who is alleged to have given him this medicine, did not inform me nor did she go to his doctor as I found out. My son was coughing but I have prescription medicine for him that I would have been happy to give tho his mother had she asked.

It is also stated in our parenting plan that I am the one to make non-emergecny medical decisions. It is was an emergency the parent who has custody at the time is to inform the other parent. I did not see that my son's cough was an emermgency.

Now, given her father is a doctor but not a peditrician, he has on occassions written prescritptions for his daughter illegally. They were not for drugs but cosmetic medicines. It is possible for him to write a script for my son in his mother's name and then thus hiding the fact.

I want to get my son tested but, blood testing will not show anything since the Codine if present would be gone by now, but in the hair folicale it wouls show traces.

Even if he was sick, I should have been informed, but it was the grandmother and the other family memeber that were very concerned with his behavior and felt that the cough syrup was used more to control the child than to actually help his cough.

Is this considered anything significant since there could be a lot of holes in this? We go to court next monday for medical decision making rights and my ex and her fahter want control to medicate my child for his behavior. I would like some suggestions as to what I can do as I am crushed to think he would be on a powerful drug...