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Could be great news

Started by everydayson, Jun 28, 2006, 10:06:39 AM

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My 15 mo old son's mother is drinking and drugging.  We were never married.  Mother's mom said that she is tired of covering for her and is proposing to disclose info that will allow me to become primary residential.  Grandmom wants to be non residential. She said that she knows that mom will sign papers. Child already stays here 60% of time. There is no parenting plan now. How should I handle this? I want to act asap before mom changes her mind. Thanks


Get a signed affadavit from the grandmother as to why the mother is unfit.

File for a custody modification.

Request orders for you to have sole custody and to assign visitation to the maternal grandmother, to ensure the maternal grandmother remains bonded to the child.

She can't become a "nonresidential" custodian, but there can be orders that outline when the child will visit the grandma.

That may be enough for her.

If you secure sole custody, and if the relationship with grandma becomes too conflicted to maintain for the best interest of the child, you can always request that it be modified in the future.