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What steps do we take?

Started by Cookiemomma4, Jul 15, 2006, 05:18:48 PM

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Hi there.  I am pretty sure someone here can help me out.  We are in PA and Pro Se, please do not say seek counsel as we just don't have the cash right now and no way of getting it at this moment.  
We want to move forward and get my hubby's little one is counseling.  We has sent a letter to her mother and her mother's lawyer who have decided no (shared legal custody) because they feel that the child's confusion and comments are normal during a custody battle.  We do not, particularly if the situation is not being discussed with the child.  We have not even discussed with her that we are going for custody or why (we do not feel that these should be the worries of a 5 yr old ya know!).  Her mother on the other hand has.  We don't want to be caught in telling her that someone is not telling the truth in the situation because then we of course look like the bad guys.  We feel that she should have a neutral 3rd party to discuss the issues with and be a bit of a mediator.  We realize that the next step would be to file for court appointed counseling but are not sure where to start in doing this.  Can anyone help?  TIA


Do you have joint legal now? If you do, just make the appointment on your time and bring her. Do you get her enough now to make all appointments on "your" time? I would send mother a letter stating the you have joint legal custody and will be making an appointment for therapy due to the divorce situation and who the dr is. Invite her to the first appointment.
If you do not have joint legal, then you would have to ask for it in court.
Good luck!


Yes, he has joint legal, but no counsolers will see her without both parent's permission and she is refusing.  We already tried that route and were told that she would have to sign an agreement of treatment as well.  We were told this by various offices that we have called around too (we figured iwe were looking out for  the child's best interest so it wouldn't be an issue if we went ahead with it so we have tried.  This works in medical cases but apparently  not in psychological ones.).  This is why we are wondering what legal step to take next...where do we start what do we file?  There is currently a temp order in place, we just got back what they are calling an evaluation, and are now waiting for a trial date.  We don't want to wait to go to trial on this because she is obviously distressed about it now.  Would this be cause for us to file ex parte?  Or is there some other avenue or venue that we should be looking at?  If anyone has any ideas or thoughts on it, we would really appreciate the input.  Thank you for any help that anyone can provide here.