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Mother let's registered sex offender babysit...

Started by matt5150, Aug 06, 2006, 06:01:42 PM

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The mother of my 2 1/2 year old son has been knowingly letting a registered sex offender babysit while she works nights at a bar. I have my son now (for the last 30 days) until I can get something done through the court. We both have attorneys and are both fighting for custody. I found out about the sex offender when I picked up my son for visitation last time and he had bruises up and down both arms...very suspicious looking...DFS looked into it and found out about the sex offender...they put a "family plan with change" in place last week...I have yet to see any paperwork or what it entails. I have a case management conference this Tuesday...not sure what to expect. Any feedback would greatly be appreciated.


I thought my husband and I were the only ones with this problem!  I feel for you.  It's gonna get ugly in court because YOUR character will be scrutinized to the nth degree. Unless your lawyer is really competent in this area, you will be put on trial, and as my husband was told, "just because he's a registered sex offender, doesn't mean he doesn't have civil rights".  His rights WILL be protected, and it's hard to go after the woman for child endangerment (in our case, because the child hasn't disclosed yet) but in your case, you have physical evidence, and hopefully your lawyer will nail her to the wall for that, and also child desertion (leaving a child alone with no way to protect themselves from a known danger or hazard). FIGHT FOR THAT CHILD LIKE YOU'VE NEVER FOUGHT BEFORE.  Even though the child is small, the scars will be there forever in his mind if that monster molested him.  
    My husband's exwife knowlingly let a convicted VIOLENT (aggravated oral sexual battery of a juvenile, molestation of a juvenile, pornography involving a juvenile) sex offender whose victim was 7 years old, move in with her and their minor child--who at the time, was 7 years old!!! We just found out that he was a SO this July--she had been living with him for a year and a half!! We've had custody since July 5.  And get this----the exwife firmly believes this man is INNOCENT--and told the same judge who sentenced the pervert that she thinks he's innocent!!
   The mother is bipolar, psychologically abusive (we have recorded telephone visitations), and a complete nutjob (this is the second time my husband has had to file for custody for abuse), so the judge ordered custody evaluations on her, my husband and I, and the child.  
  She is supposed to have visitation-unsupervised for 10 hours a week, but the child, now 9, refuses to go with her. And get this--the pervert says he moved out, so naturally I went to the address he gave to check it out, and it's a mobile home that's being used for storage!!! There's not even electricity hooked up!!

   I wish you the best of luck in this case--don't let the system further abuse your child.  Keep us posted as to the outcome!!


I don't know if you already have done so...I don't know what DFS is, but I would call Child Protection Services (they have a hotline) immediately.  Take pictures of any suspicious bruises and document everything.