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Suspect BM is trying to get child to fail to get one more year child support

Started by ukiltmybrutha, Jul 01, 2012, 10:36:29 AM

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Florida Law essentially states that child support terminates at the age of 18 unless the child is still in school but not reached the age of 19 etc.

I think BM has locked on to that idealism and is going out of her way to make my child fail. I hear some pretty astounding things my child comes to be with during visitation e.g. I don't care if you fight or get kicked out or suspended.

In my opinion, all I can do is build a suspense should my child fail school. If I bring it up the wrong way to BM or any party, BM will find a way to retaliate even more severely and hurt my wallet in some other way.



Get involved with his school/teachers/guidance counselor. Ask if they have online grading and be put in the progress report mailing list and report cards. Give positive rewards to your child for achieving passing grades when at your house.


I do all of those things except for the guidance counselor. The rewards have been theoretical so far with my 2 other children that live with me. Time to put it into practice. Gotta be mission oriented as a family. Wish I had more money to make it happen since I have 2 other children they will get jealous. A little worried that BM will catch on and my efforts will be in vain....I guess it all has to be presented correctly (which I have been doing). A little worried that ex will think that I have enough money to reward my child and demand more money.

Good suggestions overall!


Not money rewards but things to do at your house when he comes. If he passes all his classes he can xxx (go somewhere with you, get something while he is at your house, have one on one time with you doing something fun/cheap- and you can do the same thing for your other kids).

Next time he is with you tell him how your feel about school and graduating. Leads to better jobs if he finishes. Show him some facts from the internet about salaries. That you will help in anyway you can and that you know mom may not have the same views but this is important. Then come up with a few ideas to encourage him (can make it a family meeting and have all the kids pick their rewards). If you see him after the first quarter, then when you get those grades, when he comes for thanksgiving/christmas....xyz. Then spring break/Easter, Then end of year- summer. However it works for you.

He can do chores at your house and get a bank account at your house with your signature so he can start saving for a car/truck/college whatever... Even as a NCP you can do a lot of things but the ex will try and get in the way. It sounds like he is older so hopefully he will see what mom is trying to do and see you are trying to get him to graduate.
