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another delay

Started by John-J-Jay, Jun 28, 2007, 08:53:57 AM

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You said earlier she is just about ready to have a baby. She cannot fly in the later stages of pregnancy. You knew this was going to happen. I have seen many instances of sexual bias in the courts, but in this continuance, I believe it is right to delay the hearing for the health of mother and unborn child. If you approach that any other way, you look like a jerk.

Perhaps a better option would have been to see if the mother could have appeared via telephone. Perhaps your lawyer can petition the court for permission and then schedule a new hearing sooner.

She can come in about 6-8 weeks. Will your attorney be filing for a new date?


>it's a shame
>the courts can't see thru my ex wife and her crap.

Strange way to describe a near term pregnancy.

There's no bias there. If you had surgery scheduled for some critical matter, the court would grant you a continuance, as well.

You knew when she was due when you scheduled the hearing.


i guess the same can be said for the last 8 months of delay. It's amazing the people on this board.



People come to this board to get advice. It's not always what they want to hear, but questions and concerns are answered, nonetheless.

In asking your questions and receiving your answers, you also help posters that come here in the future when your problem or concern is relevant to theirs.

It's detrimental to delete a post if the only reason for doing so is that you don't like the answers that you've received. If you found out that the other party was snooping here and it would harm your case, that would be different

I had some people here clue me in real early on what to expect in my custody case, and I'd say I only liked about 20% of it. But I learned what was going to come, and it made me stronger when we did go to court.

Eight months of delays? There's some people here who would give their right arm to get before a judge within a year of filing. I would be one of them. It took thirteen months for me.

Consider this just more time to get your ducks in a row. Get your stuff together and concentrate on your child during this waiting period. Read some of the really good custody books mentioned on this archives of this site.

Just remember, when your case is settled and done, others will come later that deserve to have answers to your questions---even years down the road. If there's any silver lining in all of our experiences, it's that we can pass our knowledge onto others.

Good Luck,