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Fathers rights to custody

Started by beck4paul, Oct 05, 2007, 04:47:40 AM

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I am postin this for my fiance who has two kids a girl 5 and a boy nearly 4, he is wantin full custody over them both as the children are so unhappy with there mum and we feel they are not been treated right. The thing is we have no idea weather we wood get custody can any one help???

They have been seperated about 14 to 15 months and since then my fiance has had alot of access to them we have them every wednes night after school to sleep then every friday satur n sunday nights to sleep it has been this way since they split.
The kids cry when they have to go back to mums and it hurts so much cause we dont know why they hate it so much, we know she does not have time for them and only keeps them for the benifits she gets.
Since my fiance split with her the kids have been mistreated in so many ways. His ex has a criminal record too for violent behaviour in front of the kids she held a knife to my fiances throat while the kids was there so i hope that will go in our favour.

Can anyone help me with the matter i hate seeing the kids so upset :(


That's 3 out of 7 nights...which is almost 50/50.

If that's not written down in any type of order, I'd say keep this going for at least 6 months.

Gather police reports to substantiate her criminal record.

And then file.

IMHO, of course.