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psychological evalutation

Started by John-J-Jay, Oct 13, 2007, 07:22:42 AM

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I recently had my psy eval done this past week and i found out some of my scores. On the IQ portion i scored high and very high meaning i have the knowledge to raise my child as a single parent thru her schooling.

one on portion of the test i scored extremely high as a prefectionist and extremely high as virture (meaning i have very high morals & very high standards etc).

will the fact i scored high as being a prefectionist and having high morals ets harm me with the custody situation i've had for 8+ years? the reason i ask is because it was above the normal standards.


>I recently had my psy eval done this past week and i found
>out some of my scores. On the IQ portion i scored high and
>very high meaning i have the knowledge to raise my child as a
>single parent thru her schooling.
>one on portion of the test i scored extremely high as a
>prefectionist and extremely high as virture (meaning i have
>very high morals & very high standards etc).
>will the fact i scored high as being a prefectionist and
>having high morals ets harm me with the custody situation i've
>had for 8+ years? the reason i ask is because it was above the
>normal standards.

First of all, you should not have received your scores - at least in my state.

IQ is going to be irrelevant in this matter - unless you were extremely low. Anything from low-normal to extremely high is capable of rearing a child. In fact, there may be a bias in some areas against extremely intelligent people - depending on their social skills.

The reason that scores are typically not distributed is that they're subject to interpretation - and a layman could easily misinterpret it.

I'm not familiar with a 'Perfectionism' score, but high levels of perfectionism are considered one sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is one of those disorders where moderately elevated scores are not considered harmful (even positive in some ways) but very high scores could be harmful. Without knowing the test, the exact score, and having the training to interpret the entire profile, any answer on where you might be would be meaningless.

"Morals" is a similar one. High morals is definitely a plus. Being too moralistic (trying to enforce your belief on others and being inable to see two sides of a story) is a minus. Only your test administrator knows where you fall.

The good thing is that custody which has been in place for 8 years makes  a strong status quo. The bad thing is that since you were tested, someone has made an objection to your parenting (which may or may not be a valid objection), so there is already some reason for the court to be suspicious.

I would suggest talking with a trained counselor if you have the entire score.


Usually (well at least around here) the judge filps to the back page where it says conclusions and recomendations and reads that. Since the eval probably was done for custody it should say something in that section like "there is no reason to believe ... would not be a good parent" or some version of that. Sometimes they recomend therapy or some type of assistance if they think you will need it.
When I had mine done I met with the doctor that did it and he explained it to me in detail. If some part of it is disputed by the opposing councle they call in the doctor that did it and they testify as to what that means because sometimes something might sound bad but really isn't.
Also in my state I can get a copy of any medical records for myself if I request it. They did however make me sit down with the doctor to explain it.



I agree with what the two above said and will suggest that you need to look at the whole picture.

Every human has "too much" of one thing or "too little" of another.

It's the whole that needs to be reported.

If the evaluation report comes back with your "whole" being an excellent parent, those individual scores will be largely irrelevant.

Analogy... if you look at an Acura, piece by piece, you're going to find some deficiencies.  But those individual deficiencies have very little impact on the vehicle's OVERALL performance, reliability, and comfort when compared to other cars.

You're worrying too much.