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About Subpeonas

Started by Amarant01, Aug 03, 2016, 06:14:05 PM

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Hello all,

I present today with a rather confusing situation.  For my upcoming child support case, I find a number of subpoena duces tecum's, for the other parent to provide documents to support the case.  A total of two subpoenas were filed.  Needless to say, neither were complied with.  The first subpoena was served, but not complied with, the second returned to the sheriffs office with notice that the person wasn't located.  In fact, it indicated that the property manager stated that the individual didn't live there.  The problem is that not only do school records show that address, DCSE have address, The court has that address, im pretty sure they will give that address if I deposed them in court, and the original summons made it to the address.  Did they just work themselves into a conundrum?  I know for a fact the they do reside at the address I listed, I picked my child up from there the day after this happened for a dentist appointment, and every week during the pick up schedule.  What does this do about obtaining the documents?