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Please Help me get Custody due to Paternity Case

Started by determined703, Jul 22, 2008, 05:30:42 PM

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I do not know where to start; I will just get to the point.


A girl I slept with one night claims she is pregnant to this time is probably 6 weeks pregnant, I didn't go to her first doctor's appointment due to the simple fact that I didn't believe her.  I have not see her but she keeps calling me claiming that I am the father of her child.  


The First time she told me about it I accepted the fact that I was going to be a father and didn't back off, instead I was really happy, but just the fact that she was using that for me to come to a commitment with HER was not correct. So I told her that I would make sure she is ok through pregnancy and that when the baby is born I will ask for a DNA test and if confirmed that the baby is mine I will fight for custody.  Reason being is because I don't want to go through the whole child support stuff.  I do have a good job and just recently establish my own business, my worries is that she knows I have a good job and my newly established company for her to get as much money as she can through child support.


Just because of this I am already planning on leaving responsibilities of my company to third parties so that I can only be a part time employee, and as far as my job I cant do anything about it.  I do make good money.  


Reason why also I want custody of the baby is because when I ignored her when she first used the baby as an excuse for us to be together she then called me telling me she was going to kill herself and that she will have an abortion.  She even left me messages with those threats.  Two weeks ago she called telling me that she had a miscarriage and last night called me again to tell me that she only said that to keep me away from her.  I do not call her, simple fact that she doesn't have cell phone or home number, I do not know where she lives, because when I met her she told me one story and it turned out to be completely not true.  She manages to stays at hotels around the area without being able to keep a resident or a permanent address.  She also claims that she works as a nurse at the George Washington hospital in Washington, D.C. but she is always staying in hotels as far as one and half hour or two hours from the area so it totally doesn't make sense to me.  The times that I have seen her I had to pay for her to stay at hotels in the area or near where I live because she claimed she didn't have a credit card or was not in her wallet and that her id was in her "truck" (which by the way i have never seen) I did this 3 times.  One time I went to pick her up from the hospital where she was admitted to the psychiatric department, I do not know the reason but she was there for 3 days as she used to call me from there and I also called her there when she asked me to,  giving me the room number and the phone numbers.


One final thing is that she has called me several times drunk.  All the time she calls is from a block number and when I do not answer she keeps calling no matter what time it is.


Please I need advise as to how to deal with her I do not disrespect her I dot not call her like I said.  All I want to make sure is that when the time comes and if it is my baby I want total custody of the baby.  I do not want this unstable, drunk and homeless girl having any custody of my baby.  


Please advice me as to what is it that I need to do so that I am prepared for when the time comes.





Not much you can do until you establish paternity.
I would take infant/child CPR, take parenting classes.  Read up on infants.

If she is that bad, hire  PI so you have proof of her instability.  Just because she is homeless and what you think of her will not be enough to gain custody.

You need to proof all this in the courts.

Read up on the laws in your state and hire an attorney.  Inteview them before hiring on.  Go to court and watch some attorneys in action.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**