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OY VEY!! 2 problems today....

Started by smtotwo, Nov 05, 2004, 07:51:42 PM

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First, sister in law thougth she'd be helpful and went into the skids school ( her daughter attends also) and spoke with the principal, the same principal who reported my son to social services.  

She explained some of what has happened over the last 4 yrs.  But, DH, nor I asked her to do that. Personally I thought it was a bad idea and would have asked her not to,  but TOOO LATE now.  Just waiting for psychomommy to call about the call she should be gettign from principal.

Second problem is this...Last night psychomommy refused to allow DH to speak with the kids, and said that if he showed up they wouldn't be there.  Tonite while I was working and DH was cutting wood, we got a call from OSS. They;re mom would be dropping them off in 45 minutes.
I told son to call me when they got there and I'd come home.

Nice that we have them, but she left them with my 13 yr old, who only 2 weeks ago was dangerous because of a story he wrote,  SHe never come to the door to see if either DH or I were home.  They got out of car and came in the house, without knowning who was even here.

I thought that was innappropriate.

And the talk my SIL had with principal is going to open a WHOLE NEW CAN OF WORMS!!   YIKES  Panic just thinking about it!!


I know when my sons dad came back into his life after non contact for 2yrs he was misbehaving in school he was lashing out. So I did talk with the school regarding why he had been misbehaving and it helped a lot.

They even had a day once a month that all the kids of divorce or seperated families and he started to attend (he was in 1st grade) and omg it did wonders, I am so glad I talked to the school and was happy to find they had something to help the kids in the school, my son realized he wasn't ALONE and many kids were going thru things he was.

Just see what happens and go from their. I am sure you sis in law did it to try to help your skids.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**

Kitty C.

Is this an actual program, or something that someone in the school made up on their own?  I'd like to get some info on it, if you can get it.  I know that, even tho our district is very small, there are plenty of kids who are from separated families and could use this kind of support.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


In my son's school district it's called "Banana Splits".....split families...

And at the end of the year they have a banana split party!  (Yep, what a mess, but it's fun!)


this was a program that was started by the counselor in the school, they took 1 hrs once a month to do this to help the kids.

I don't know much more information about this as it was 6yrs ago when my son attended.

Might want to try and speak with the school counselor to see if they are willing to start program like this. The program we had revolved around, feeling, and how to deal with them in the proper way. Then the kids were allowed to talk about how they felt and they really opened up and the kids all became friends quickly.

In this day and age many parents or divorced, seperated or where not married. I would think in a small town it would be easy to start, if your town is anything like our new small town, everyone is great here and very family orientated (even the divorced ones)

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**