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bm at it agian (long vent)

Started by pmp, Nov 27, 2003, 05:06:40 PM

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since bm and dh signed parenting agreement bm is back to her same old ways. she forgot to pick sd up from school again this is the 4x this year. the school called dh he was working so he tried calling bm he couldn't get through so he called me to ask me to meet him at his job site to take sd to her moms, I called bm befor leaving work and she answered the phone I told her the school called us and what was going on she said ok just bring her to me.
 when I got there she didn't apologize or say thank you, sd asked her why she wasn't there and she told her I just forgot. sd looked at her and said how could you forget I am your kid and bm tried apologizing and sd just walked away from her. when I called bm I thought she would be like ok I'll be right there to get her, but I guess the world is suppossed to revolve around her. if dh had forgot to pick sd up bm would have kept her and he would be the most awful person in the world, and unfit to have her.
 bm called dh after I dropped her off and went off about me said I told sd to say that, I didn't even talk about it with sd because I had nothing nice to say about it. it pisses me off to see sd hurt like that she was bummed she didn't want to talk about it and niether did I. she needs to take responsibilty for her actions and stop blamming me for everything. she told dh he couldn't have sd this week if I was going to be around well of course I am going to be around I am his wife and that is my home.
we had to take sd to the er our last week with her because she couldn't breathe (she has asthma)bm and everbody else that lives in her house smoke and they all smoke in the house with her. dh gets on them about it but they just smoke outside when he's around. we know they smoke around her because she always smells like she's been sitting in a bar all day when we pick her up. even after going to the er they are still smoking around her they just don't get it. me and dh both smoke but we smoke outside. dh is regretting signing those papers he wishes he would have went for sole custody. he signed them because he thought it was best for sd and maybe it is but bm is not doing anything to change.

sorry so long just had to get this off my chest.