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Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Redefined by the Mother of All Pyscho Bitches

Started by StPaulieGirl, Dec 16, 2003, 11:19:47 AM

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Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003 10:42 a.m. EST
Hillary Praises Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, praising the former Soviet Union yesterday for its 1979 invasion of Afghanistan, said that the attack helped bring women's rights to the fundamentalist Muslim country.

"The Soviets tried to provide more opportunities for women," Clinton told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, in a speech billed by her office as "her first major foreign policy address as a U.S. senator."

In quotes picked up by the New York Sun, Mrs. Clinton noted that Afghanistan was "the place where September 11 was conceived and implemented." She then criticized the Bush administration for not focusing more on the former al-Qaeda stronghold.

Contrasting the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan with that of the Evil Empire, Clinton complained, "Too soon the eyes of the administration moved from Kabul to Baghdad."

The former first lady detailed her Thanksgiving Day meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, saying she urged him to implement a high-profile effort to improve maternal health.(newspeak for abortion clinics, forced sterilization, and birth control?)

Clinton said that such a program would be critical because the people of Afghanistan need to see that America's presence has produced "tangible results" like schools and health clinics - not just electoral and political reforms.

She then suggested that a Soviet-style occupation of Afghanistan, which included the wholesale slaughter of the Afghan people in a bid to install a puppet government, had its merits, since it helped women.

"One of the reasons why we were able to marshal the Mujaheddin and the warlords against the Soviets is because the Soviets tried to provide more opportunities for women," she told the CFR.


Arrrrgggghhhh!  Hey Senator Clinton, tell us how benefical those landmines were to women and children.  You disgusting......lawyer!!!!!

I can't say what I'd like to say.  However everything that I have said is my opinion not SPARC's.  

Ps: a little prediction:  Dean will win the Democratic ticket.  He will then name Hellary as his running mate.  God help us.

Kitty C.

I've never heard a connection between Dean and Hillary, can you tell me what you know?
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean, and basically embarassed the heck out of Joe Lieberman.  This is speculation, but we all know what happens when we underestimate a pb :-(

Hillary is repeating the behavior that she displayed before running for senate...after she said she wasn't running for office; only this time it was a country wide book signing tour.  There is a website called //www.hillarynow.org (I hope I got that right-I can't stand to look right now).  Don't know if you've seen coverage of these events, but they always include footage of gushing women praying that Hillary will run.  Too bad they don't usually show the protesters.  She swears that she will finish her term as senator, so why all the campaign-like speeches smacking Bush?  Why the visit to Iraq, where she gave a speech that bordered on treason? I didn't see any other congresscritters or senators paying a visit over there lately.

Just sit back and watch, Kitty.  A few links...the first one is all the articles by MiaT, FR's ultimate Clinton archivist.


This one is a short excerpt of one of her recent book signings in FL.  I won't register, but the link is there for you:

Now we hit pay dirt:

Same thing off the AP direct feed:

If you can't access the MiaT link, let me know, and I'll throw in some public links.

Kitty C.

Because they are comparing Dean to Bush, as a conservative Democrat.  If that's the case, I'd think Dean would steer as clear of Hillary as possible.

As an aside, I live in IA, the FIRST STATE when it comes to elections, LOL!  And some watchdog group has been advertising how Dean has been endorsed by the NRA.  Of which I am a 'former' member, only because I can't afford the dues.  But I totally support them in spirit.  You can't grow up in this rural hunting area and NOT support the right to own guns.  And I've never even owned one, but I've come damn close (lived in CA during the Rodney King riots, if you know what I mean!).

In case you were wondering, I am a registered Democrat, but mainly because we used to have a Republican govenor and I'm a unionized state employee.  That idiot was trying to do everything he could to get rid of all of us and at every contract, we'd have to fight tooth and nail just to keep BASIC benefits.

I have been leaning towards Dean, as I view myself as a conservative Dem myself.  But I HATE Hillary with a passion!  If he does hook up with her, I'll drop him like a lead balloon!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......



Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 1 p.m. EST
Ford, Jr., Not Hillary, is Dean's Pick for Veep: Reagan

Despite talk about Howard Dean asking Hillary Clinton to be his running mate in November it's not going to happen, says top talk radio host and nationally syndicated columnist Michael Reagan.

"As far as Dean's probable pick for his running mate, I'm willing to bet that he'll choose Tennessee congressman Harold Ford," Reagan told NewsMax.

"Right now Dean is desperate to win the black vote in the south, and Ford is one of the most attractive and articulate people in politics today."

Ford, the popular, 33-year-old African-American from the 9th District of Tennessee, is the son of former U.S. Representative Harold E. Ford.

The keynote speaker at the 2000 Democratic National Convention was elected age 26, and is now serving in his fourth term in the House.

Ford is much sought-after by TV producers as a talk show guest because he is so well spoken, and has a reputation as a non-partisan moderate.

Reagan said he feels that as a running mate, Ford, far more moderate than the volatile Dean - who is seen as ranging from the left on healthcare issues to the right on gun issues - could help soften the former Vermont governor's image as a leader in the "bomb thrower" wing of the Democrat party.

The problem is that Ford is too young to be Vice President.  You have to be 35 at the time of inaugaration.

Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 10:30 a.m. EST
Wash Post Dubs Hillary a 'Shadow Candidate'

Hillary Clinton is running for president.

That's the verdict of the Washington Post, a newspaper that could hardly be described as an organ of Hillary's "vast right-wing conspiracy."

"In recent days a half-dozen leading Democrats have delivered major speeches on foreign policy," notes the Post on its Thursday editorial page.

"Mostly, they follow a similar track. Presidential candidates Howard Dean, John Edwards, John F. Kerry, Joseph I. Lieberman and Wesley K. Clark and shadow candidate Hillary Clinton accept many of the goals of the Bush administration but diverge sharply on the means to achieve them."

A few lines later the Post laments that Howard Dean's protectionist trade policy is "shared by every Democratic candidate except Mr. Lieberman (and Ms. Clinton)."

Though we don't often agree with the paper conservatives have dubbed "Pravda on the Potomac," this time the Post has it 100 percent right.

When it comes to this year's crop of presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton is walking, talking and acting like a duck.

She refuses to step away from the political spotlight, takes every opportunity to bash President Bush and even has her minions, like former top White House aides Harold Ickes and Leon Panetta, trash her party's presidential front-runner, Howard Dean, in published interviews.

Then there's her appearance on "Meet the Press" 10 days ago, where she left the door on a 2004 run, if not wide open, decidedly more than slightly ajar.

If she truly is running, skeptics ask, then why won't she make an official announcement?

Why should she? Mrs. Clinton already has everything a presidential front-runner needs. She's the No. 1 choice of Democrats from coast to coast, she has more name recognition than the entire Democratic field put together, and she and her husband are the top fund-raising draws of their party.

Add to that the fact that Hillary has acquired all this without doing a lick of official campaigning, not to mention having to answer all of those pesky media questions announced candidates tend to get asked.

If President Bush looks strong next spring as convention time draws near, Mrs. Clinton can beg off with the simple excuse, "See, I told you I wasn't going to run."

If, however, the president looks vulnerable, Democrats demoralized by the prospect of following Howard Dean over the cliff will welcome Hillary as their standard-bearer with open arms.


It's all just speculation, but you can never underestimate Hillary.  Let's hope Dean doesn't select Gray Davis as a running mate!  

I'm a registered Republican since my 18th birthday, but I've been known to vote American Independent and Libertarian.  I may have differences with Democratic Party goals, but Hillary is evil, imo.  It goes beyond political differences.  I couldn't imagine what it would be like for her to be president.  Her version of Homeland Security would be ferreting out every gun owner and conservative, while Bill hosts toga parties in the Rose Garden.  Lord have mercy.



Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003 10:42 a.m. EST
Hillary Praises Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, praising the former Soviet Union yesterday for its 1979 invasion of Afghanistan, said that the attack helped bring women's rights to the fundamentalist Muslim country.

"The Soviets tried to provide more opportunities for women," Clinton told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, in a speech billed by her office as "her first major foreign policy address as a U.S. senator."

In quotes picked up by the New York Sun, Mrs. Clinton noted that Afghanistan was "the place where September 11 was conceived and implemented." She then criticized the Bush administration for not focusing more on the former al-Qaeda stronghold.

Contrasting the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan with that of the Evil Empire, Clinton complained, "Too soon the eyes of the administration moved from Kabul to Baghdad."

The former first lady detailed her Thanksgiving Day meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, saying she urged him to implement a high-profile effort to improve maternal health.(newspeak for abortion clinics, forced sterilization, and birth control?)

Clinton said that such a program would be critical because the people of Afghanistan need to see that America's presence has produced "tangible results" like schools and health clinics - not just electoral and political reforms.

She then suggested that a Soviet-style occupation of Afghanistan, which included the wholesale slaughter of the Afghan people in a bid to install a puppet government, had its merits, since it helped women.

"One of the reasons why we were able to marshal the Mujaheddin and the warlords against the Soviets is because the Soviets tried to provide more opportunities for women," she told the CFR.


Arrrrgggghhhh!  Hey Senator Clinton, tell us how benefical those landmines were to women and children.  You disgusting......lawyer!!!!!

I can't say what I'd like to say.  However everything that I have said is my opinion not SPARC's.  

Ps: a little prediction:  Dean will win the Democratic ticket.  He will then name Hellary as his running mate.  God help us.

Kitty C.

I've never heard a connection between Dean and Hillary, can you tell me what you know?
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean, and basically embarassed the heck out of Joe Lieberman.  This is speculation, but we all know what happens when we underestimate a pb :-(

Hillary is repeating the behavior that she displayed before running for senate...after she said she wasn't running for office; only this time it was a country wide book signing tour.  There is a website called //www.hillarynow.org (I hope I got that right-I can't stand to look right now).  Don't know if you've seen coverage of these events, but they always include footage of gushing women praying that Hillary will run.  Too bad they don't usually show the protesters.  She swears that she will finish her term as senator, so why all the campaign-like speeches smacking Bush?  Why the visit to Iraq, where she gave a speech that bordered on treason? I didn't see any other congresscritters or senators paying a visit over there lately.

Just sit back and watch, Kitty.  A few links...the first one is all the articles by MiaT, FR's ultimate Clinton archivist.


This one is a short excerpt of one of her recent book signings in FL.  I won't register, but the link is there for you:

Now we hit pay dirt:

Same thing off the AP direct feed:

If you can't access the MiaT link, let me know, and I'll throw in some public links.

Kitty C.

Because they are comparing Dean to Bush, as a conservative Democrat.  If that's the case, I'd think Dean would steer as clear of Hillary as possible.

As an aside, I live in IA, the FIRST STATE when it comes to elections, LOL!  And some watchdog group has been advertising how Dean has been endorsed by the NRA.  Of which I am a 'former' member, only because I can't afford the dues.  But I totally support them in spirit.  You can't grow up in this rural hunting area and NOT support the right to own guns.  And I've never even owned one, but I've come damn close (lived in CA during the Rodney King riots, if you know what I mean!).

In case you were wondering, I am a registered Democrat, but mainly because we used to have a Republican govenor and I'm a unionized state employee.  That idiot was trying to do everything he could to get rid of all of us and at every contract, we'd have to fight tooth and nail just to keep BASIC benefits.

I have been leaning towards Dean, as I view myself as a conservative Dem myself.  But I HATE Hillary with a passion!  If he does hook up with her, I'll drop him like a lead balloon!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......



Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 1 p.m. EST
Ford, Jr., Not Hillary, is Dean's Pick for Veep: Reagan

Despite talk about Howard Dean asking Hillary Clinton to be his running mate in November it's not going to happen, says top talk radio host and nationally syndicated columnist Michael Reagan.

"As far as Dean's probable pick for his running mate, I'm willing to bet that he'll choose Tennessee congressman Harold Ford," Reagan told NewsMax.

"Right now Dean is desperate to win the black vote in the south, and Ford is one of the most attractive and articulate people in politics today."

Ford, the popular, 33-year-old African-American from the 9th District of Tennessee, is the son of former U.S. Representative Harold E. Ford.

The keynote speaker at the 2000 Democratic National Convention was elected age 26, and is now serving in his fourth term in the House.

Ford is much sought-after by TV producers as a talk show guest because he is so well spoken, and has a reputation as a non-partisan moderate.

Reagan said he feels that as a running mate, Ford, far more moderate than the volatile Dean - who is seen as ranging from the left on healthcare issues to the right on gun issues - could help soften the former Vermont governor's image as a leader in the "bomb thrower" wing of the Democrat party.

The problem is that Ford is too young to be Vice President.  You have to be 35 at the time of inaugaration.

Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 10:30 a.m. EST
Wash Post Dubs Hillary a 'Shadow Candidate'

Hillary Clinton is running for president.

That's the verdict of the Washington Post, a newspaper that could hardly be described as an organ of Hillary's "vast right-wing conspiracy."

"In recent days a half-dozen leading Democrats have delivered major speeches on foreign policy," notes the Post on its Thursday editorial page.

"Mostly, they follow a similar track. Presidential candidates Howard Dean, John Edwards, John F. Kerry, Joseph I. Lieberman and Wesley K. Clark and shadow candidate Hillary Clinton accept many of the goals of the Bush administration but diverge sharply on the means to achieve them."

A few lines later the Post laments that Howard Dean's protectionist trade policy is "shared by every Democratic candidate except Mr. Lieberman (and Ms. Clinton)."

Though we don't often agree with the paper conservatives have dubbed "Pravda on the Potomac," this time the Post has it 100 percent right.

When it comes to this year's crop of presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton is walking, talking and acting like a duck.

She refuses to step away from the political spotlight, takes every opportunity to bash President Bush and even has her minions, like former top White House aides Harold Ickes and Leon Panetta, trash her party's presidential front-runner, Howard Dean, in published interviews.

Then there's her appearance on "Meet the Press" 10 days ago, where she left the door on a 2004 run, if not wide open, decidedly more than slightly ajar.

If she truly is running, skeptics ask, then why won't she make an official announcement?

Why should she? Mrs. Clinton already has everything a presidential front-runner needs. She's the No. 1 choice of Democrats from coast to coast, she has more name recognition than the entire Democratic field put together, and she and her husband are the top fund-raising draws of their party.

Add to that the fact that Hillary has acquired all this without doing a lick of official campaigning, not to mention having to answer all of those pesky media questions announced candidates tend to get asked.

If President Bush looks strong next spring as convention time draws near, Mrs. Clinton can beg off with the simple excuse, "See, I told you I wasn't going to run."

If, however, the president looks vulnerable, Democrats demoralized by the prospect of following Howard Dean over the cliff will welcome Hillary as their standard-bearer with open arms.


It's all just speculation, but you can never underestimate Hillary.  Let's hope Dean doesn't select Gray Davis as a running mate!  

I'm a registered Republican since my 18th birthday, but I've been known to vote American Independent and Libertarian.  I may have differences with Democratic Party goals, but Hillary is evil, imo.  It goes beyond political differences.  I couldn't imagine what it would be like for her to be president.  Her version of Homeland Security would be ferreting out every gun owner and conservative, while Bill hosts toga parties in the Rose Garden.  Lord have mercy.