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The Logical Result of Gay Marriages

Started by StPaulieGirl, Feb 29, 2004, 09:48:05 AM

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Who Gets Custody of the Kids When Dad & Dad Divorce?
Tuesday February 24, 3:02 pm ET
Gay Marriage Uproar Pushes Need for Gay Family Rights; Legal Expert Jill Hersh Can Comment on Spectrum of Gay Marriage & Family Law

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 24, 2004 -- Who: Prominent San Francisco Family Law Attorney Jill Hersh is available for commentary on the impact that gay marriage, and subsequent divorces, will have on the need for updated laws to protect the rights of gay parents and their children.
What: While gay couples were tying the knot in San Francisco, Hersh delivered her argument to the Calif. Appellate Court (Friday, February 20) concerning two lesbian mothers who are fighting over custody of their twin daughters. The couple shared the in vitro fertilization process; one supplied the ovum, the other carried the twins to term. Hersh wants the court to recognize that the children can in fact have two biological mothers. The court's decision could dramatically impact the law as it relates to domestic partners, particularly gay couples who start families using reproductive technologies.

Topics for Discussion:

--  What's going to happen to newly-married gay couples if there is an
    amendment to the Constitution to ban gay marriages?

--  As gay couples marry and start families will the law recognize their
    rights as parents?  What about the children's rights?

--  How are children of gay couples currently harmed by today's antiquated

--  What changes need to be made to the law to ensure that both parents
    are legally protected when they start a family?

--  Is the cry over gay marriage just another campaign "sound byte" in
    this election year?

     For interviews with attorney Jill Hersh of Hersh FamilyLaw contact:
     Lisa Byrne
     [email protected]
     Shelly Gordon
     [email protected]

Source: Hersh FamilyLaw

Seriously what do these lawyers do on their off time?

I'm envisioning a number of thirteen gathered around a sacred fire under a full moon.  They are discussing the fact that people just aren't getting married as often.  The men especially are backing off from marriage and fatherhood, thanks to their manipulation of marriage, divorce, and custody.  Bashomet has a brilliant idea to not only keep themselves in business, but also to foment civil unrest and ruin even more children's lives.

"We'll push for gay marriage!  Think about it, my brothers and sisters; they've managed to adopt children, or have them artifically, already.  We're starting to see a trickle of court cases with hysterical nancy boys and screaming dykes demanding "their" children.  With marriage  there will come divorce and custody wars!  Everyone knows that gays have more disposable income than straight folks, so we're gonna tap those wallets, baby"!

Lisa, Shelly, Gloria and Hillary briefly stop filing their teeth into sharp points, to nod and smile at this most excellent idea.  Mark Geragos already is one step ahead of his coven.  He's representing a non sexual.

Yeah, I'm in a bad mood today.



Thats,, thats,, thats just WRONG!! LOL LOL LOL


I'm pissed off at the jackass probate attorney.  He will drag this mess out until there isn't any money left.  This town sucks.

Hey this way, I can vent and hopefully give people a good chuckle ;-)