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After I file she files

Started by raywagg, Apr 22, 2004, 04:06:20 PM

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1) I filed motion to show cause denial of court ordered visitation.
I filed mtion to modify visitation
The only thing that got filed was the request for service.
I find out that my ex filed motion for supervised visitation.
After I sent her and atrny. show cause and modify visitation
2) I hired a new atrny family law he said he would hande new motions.
Court is on Monday for her show cause for temp. sup.
and to the supervised visitation. How do I combat this i want more visiation and she is blocking all contact but says I'm confusing my sons.
and writes a letter to the court saying my son wants to kill himself and he is scared of me and he had a dream that I let a woman kill him. All this after we agreed we would work together more, seek counsiling with my son and called for assistance in finding help. What shoul I do about her contrast in actions better yet what do I do about her saying I hurt my son?



Figure out what the heck went wrong and get the papers filed right, Don't give up , And just figure this , My psycho accused me of every thing from A to Z The court has a process In wash state , They appoint a Guardian ad litem and the Guardian ad litem interviews every one , My son was afraid of me but I had court ordered visits , The psycho was telling him that I did not love Him and was going to hurt him , I literally had to drag him away from her because he was terrified of me , I would then take him to Mcdonalds and get him an ice cream , then I would put a loli pop in My pocket and as soon as he came Out is would show it to him and give it to him , he would stop crying ,there was a Guiardian ad Litem on the case that is a piece of crap , and is fired from the court , The problem , We all go through these cases as a emotionaly beat person , And in our pain do and say things that are detrimental to our own case , . And I have been through the whole BS allegations etc ,  If there is any thing that shows you as a good parent do it , If there is any thing that would show you as a bad parent DON'T DO IT  , that means talkin crap about the other parent in front of the kids or ANY  expression of bad will toward the other parent , If there is a fact about the other parent that you have proof or witnesses to then it MAY be valid , My best move , And again I say I have been through this whole sick game , Talk good about the other parent to the kids [WHY?) Because if there is a court appointed investigater and the kids repeat any thing to that Investigater it will damage your case !!! [WHY ELSE?] Because I have been mad at the mom and said angry things about her in front of My son , IT HURTS HIM ! , And he [they] don't understand and are not going to take sides anyway , [WHY ELSE ? ]  because I Now LIE and say I like My sons mom to Him and he does WAY better with Me !!! And the tables are changing as he grows up . And what He say's to me makes me realise that He has more dislike for her for talking crap about me , And more like for Me because I talk good about his mom , We have open discussions where he states , His mom makes him feel bad when she talks bad about me , And he wan't to live withMe !!! BE the best parent let her be the turd !!!don't give up , this is hard when your kids are afraid of you , I feel that I beat her by not letting her alienate My son , AND , She has for the most part quit doing it Because I kept her feet to the coals and kept contact with My son , Get some candy And show up if you don't get the kid, file contempt !!!, And Make damn sure Your atty asks that she pay half of the cost for supervised visits , Remmember this is the courts process if she wants to be a shit , Make it back fire on her , Heres how  I did , I was very nice to the people at the supervised visits and showed up with food and diapers and toys , And I got a good report , And she showed up and bitched about me and they did not like her , The supervisers won't really give her a bad report , But there was a mentioning of her being a nuiseance to the process , and that is how you make the process work for you , You will  be prepared at the supervised visits , !!! And Be a good parent !!! , don;t bitch about the mother , Just play with your child , Then again IF you have already had contact with you child they may not order supervision . and remmember after mom terrorises the child you will have to be smart about your approach , I  let My son just be around me for a while before I give him a hug , And let him calm down , And I had to learn to be silly with him to get him to laugh , Bring an entertaing toy , I have a spinning top that has lights and noises , I just spin it around etc untill he gets intersted , Or what ever , Puppets work very well . I have snoball the puppet . And I talk to him in a funny voice and snoball licks  My sons ears and says all kinds of things about the taste of little kids ears , . Don't go half prepared , Have a couple of different intersting toys to distract the child from his Mothers terrorisation , I can only guess that If she is asking for supervised visits she is going to terrorize him and then say " Look theres it is I proved it the child is afraid , Out smart this . I had to or give up . I did not give up . Let her bs make you stronger and smarter