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my daughter health at risk?

Started by kalico2005@aol, Apr 28, 2004, 02:58:43 PM

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My ex has custody of my daughter and she has been being pushed by her step mother for the past 6 years. Her step mother tells her that I am poor and can't afford a lawyer and that she will never be able to live with me. This is what always starts fight between them. The other night they pushed her over the edge and she snapped and went after her father and step mother with a knife. The judge has sent my 15 daughter to a coastal evaluation center to basically see if she is nuts. I need to know where I fit into the picture when it comes to them stuffing drugs into my daughter when the problem may only be the fact that she doesnt want to be with her dad.  Every single time there is a fight it is because her step mom is telling her that she has no life and will never get to live with me. No, I don't have alot of money! I just dont want them putting her on some drugs when it isn't needed at all!!! HELP


Well, how often do you see or speak with your daughter? Are you involved with her school?  How long has she lived with dad? (6 years or is sm just in the picture 6 years?)  These questions need answered before we can make a reasonable response.

However, just based off of what you posted, you may be in a little denial regarding your daughter.  Perhaps she is having a teen crisis regarding alot of things, but I can tell you this: be careful what you wish for, you just may get it!  

(And you likely are hearing only one side of a story and I bet alot of stuff is being left out! Teenagers are famous for that, and even worse when the parents are divorced!)

Do you pay child support? Have you ever if not? Do you work?  You need to look at all of this before requesting being residential parent etc. However, as her mother, you have every right to her medical information.


 I speak to my daughter every week. She has lived with her father for the past ten years. I keep up with her schooling as best I can and she is passing with acceptable grades. I do not pay child support and have never been asked to. I do send money on occasion other than birthdays if I don't get to see her. She spends time with me during the school year ( she lives in another State by the way). She spends weeks with me during the summer. I have been at my place of employment for the past nine years.
 I have heard both sides of the story and I don't believe everything that she tells me. However I have seen and heard some things for myself. They see her being able to visit me as a privilage. I am not a punishment for my daughters behavior. If she does something wrong and I have asked for to come visit they tell her she can not. I do feel that is wrong. There is no regular visitation orders incase you where wondering. Once when she called me after a fight between her and her stepmother, her stepmother grabbed the phone from her and asked who she was speaking to and hung up on me. I bite my tongue all of the time and I feel like it's time to stop. They even let her ass. pastor of church tell her she was going to burn in hell. Do you see nothing wrong in that? I do. I do feel like it isnt the place for her to be. Her father stood up in court and asked that she be tested for bi-polar disorder and the judge told him no. What should that tell me? She has been smoking pot that she got from her stepmothers son, and he admitted to giving it to her. Social services was called on her step mom for hitting her and leaving marks. What does should that tell me? I really feel like it just isnt the place for her to be. For the most part I just don't want them trying to put something in her body she just does not need.


From your posts, Im getting the impression there never was a court case? no court ordered cs, no court ordered visitation. I have to ask, why? Did you move out of state from your child? Just curious.

Tips For Getting Started

How To Hire An Attorney

Hiring An Effective Attorney

Success Factors In Obtaining Custody


Suggestions When Falsely Accused

Dealing With Threats Of False Allegations


One of the first things you'll hear around here is "Document, document, document!". Having good records is *crucial*. Get yourself either the Parenting Time Tracker (PTT) at: http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/tracker.htm or the OPTIMAL Custody Tracking service at: http://www.parentingtime.net. The PTT is good, but the OPTIMAL service is definitely better.

 Contempt, Child Support Enforcement and You
This article will address what exactly contempt of court means to you, and more importantly, what to do about it.
URL: http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/contempt.htm


Perhaps you can get a third party involved.  Also, if there are no custody orders in place, then she can come live with you and just not go back from what I understand.  Sounds like there may be some physical abuse, emotional abuse, etc going on.  I too would follow thru on my gut instincts on this one.  Perhaps a GAL or counselor in your area would be the place to start?