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ODD's best friend was raped!

Started by Nextmother, Jul 24, 2004, 01:27:32 PM

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My oldest daughter's best friend called this morning to talk to Amber. When I checked the caller ID it said Safe Haven of ******.

I talked to Ayesha for a minute and asked her if everything was okay, and she just said that they had left her step dad. I told her that Amber had wanted her to come over today and spend the night so she could go to church with us tomorrow and she said she didn't think she was allowed.

I asked to talk to her mom and that is when I got the details. Apparently the husband molested Ayesha. From what Amber says, it happened about 9 months ago. She finally told and her mom ran with Ayesha and her 2 year old sister to the local shelter.

Her mom is going to bring Ayesha and the baby over here for a little while today so that she can go get the rest of their things from the house.

The husband was arrested and his parents paid his $100,000 bond to get him out, so I told her to contact the Sheriff's department and get an escort. I knew for a while that this guy was verbally and emotionally abusive, but had no idea things had gotten this far. It really scares me because Amber has spent time over there in that time period.

Please just keep this family in your prayers. I have the feeling that they will need all they can get.




Um...you sure the mom isn't doing the severe PAS?  If he has been abusive in the past, this is a VERY COMMON way to get him out of their life.  Keep that possibility  in mind.....


No, this is not PAS. I have seen some of the reports and talked to the child myself and I know that she is telling the truth.

DH and I have known for a while that something was not right in that house and we fully believe the girl and her mother.

Also, this is a step father that did this, not her bio dad. It would not make any sense to alienate him from the girl as he has done that all along with the way he treats her and talks to her.



need the help of shelters and the services they offer.  Not like the psychomommys we all deal with here on a daily basis.

DH's ex tried to pull the abuse card but lost in the long run.

These people will be in my prayers.


I am so sorry prayers for this family.

My best friends 17yr old daughter was raped last month, the cops didnt beleive her but the ER dr did. She filed charges and come to find out since her daughter came out 2other girls did too and this guy has an open rape charge in another state too, my friends has been going thru hell as the Navy (he is active) wouldnt help her the cops were useless, then when the cops FINALLY believed her they guy went AWOL.

Her daughter is doing better now, she is in counseling etc.

I am glad she has others like you to help this family thru this hard time in there life.


**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**