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Credit fraud

Started by T0052SC, Feb 22, 2005, 05:31:52 AM

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I have just finished my divorce and now am trying to rebuild my life.  I went to pull my credit reports to make sure that the ex was not tied to them any more and found four accounts that I had no idea about.  I also found that they had my current address as the ex's address which I never lived there and my former address where I currently live.  I researched the accounts by calling the creditors and two of them took me off immediatly and told the credit agentcy to call to verify, the other two would not do a thing.  All these accounts my ex opened in my name but her address and charged them up to max and let a credit collection agency close them.  It has destroyed my credit.

I talked to my bank on what to do they told me to call the credit agencys and open an investigation of fraud because I never signed applications, receipts, or knew of the accounts.  I have called the three major credit agencies and opened an investigation on the two accounts as fraud.

Now my questions;
What will happen now?
If they find these as fraud what will happen?
If they find these as fraud what will happen to the ex?


Ask for copies of the contracts, then depending on the amounts, file a small claims suit against ex.

I know dh and I just pulled our credit report and stuff is on their from his divorce that she NEVER informed him off and DR's bills that were NEVEr given to him.

Gotta loves these ex's NOT.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


Same situation at my end...

This could get interesting if she also used your Social Security number.

Check with your States Attorney's Office. In my State, my ex can not open an account under my name, and if she signs my name, it is forgery. If the cards are in her name, she is totally responsible.

You might also think about filing these separately, depending on the maximum amount. Check into that too. If it is small claims, there are limits.

Another thought, run a legal in the personals, you are not responsible for any debts, other then your signature. This will help protect you for more little goodies she might bring your way.

And hold on to those bills! Make copies for court and keep originals somewhere else....

As far as what will happen? She made her bed, let her lay in it!


Were the cards applied for after the date of filing for divorce? If so this is illegal. Have the credit card companies send you copies of the applications.
You should be able to nail her on identity theft.  Especially if she used your S.S.#. Check with your local police dept. and/or district attorney.


Same thing happed to DH and she used his ss#.  BM and her husband promised to pay back in a timely fashion but instead let it go into collections.  We chose not to file criminal charges which we now regret. DH's divorce specifically stated neither party was to incur any debt on the other, check yours.  We filed back were the divorce took place and she was found in  contempt, given 60 days to pay it back and ordered to pay our attorney fees.  I would think you'd have many options on were you can file: civil, small claims, matrimonial, criminal

Save the records of this, get copies of the forged signatures or whatever and file them away for a rainy day.  We have used this to attack her credibility in criminal court when she had DH falsely arrested and now in another family court during our custody battle. I must say both judges have been very interested in this info.