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Mom Ran Off W/ KIds

Started by DaddyNeedsSon, Jun 15, 2004, 01:36:33 PM

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I have 2 children and mommy left daddy in a financial bind.....this is 3rd time. She moved about 180 miles and in 1 day has done more to try and keep me from my children than ever imaginable.....i have been the sole supporter of our family including a child that is not biologically mine and now she will try to run me through the ringer.....how can i get custody of atleast 1 of my children?


If not. Take you but to the courthouse and file ASAP, as the ex has abandoned the family and has a history of it.

If so, you need to post some more specifics.

Your wife cannot file in another state/county until she has been there 180 days. Deny juridiction of any other place than the county/state you are in and answer nothing else.

An exparte order may be had to return the children to their home. get childcare set up for while you are at work and request supervised visitation until court orders are in place, due to her propensity to flee with the children.

Get moving or you may never see the kids again.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


no court orders but we arent married and i am posted on birth cert. we live in Fl. please help and send input......thanks a buch


Contact an atty immediately.
File for custody in the state you reside in, if the chidlren are of school age, get all report cards, medical records etc anything showing you were the primary provider for the kids, get documents/statements showing mom has a history of this.

You have no time to waste in this matter, if you wait to long you could be out your children.

Also if you are in contact with the other childs father, talk to him and maybe he will help you testify of how this woman is.
if you two work together, maybe you both will get your children

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**



go to //www.flcourts.org/

go to self help

there is a family law web site

in your county there are self help offices

fill out the papers

get a hearing date

get custody

go get your child
