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order of protection

Started by Shaggy579, Sep 13, 2005, 11:05:47 AM

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As part of a custody case, my wife has a temporary order of protection (excepted for the visitation period). On 3 occasions she has unlocked and entered my home and taken some of her possessions that are still there with no notification to me. Is this a violation of the order? The order does state that my residence is no longer her permanent address. Can I request to be notified when she will be by my house? (I do not object at this point to her getting her possessions, I just want to know that I was not burglarized as she made a bit of a mess each time and left no note)

Thank you in advance


Well,I am not sure of that,but it is called breaking and entering


She is breaking the law by entering your home without your persmission. Go set up a video camera and then report her to the police with your proof.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


when I showed up at the dog and pony show at the court for the Restaining order , I knew the courts just hand these out , And I asked for the restraining order to be Mutual ,  I don't know if the mutual Made it like this but for her to come get her stuff , She had to get a court order Because I told her she's not getting in the house with out it , However when she came to get her stuff , She broke into a room I had locked , The police were called and , The police said  " It's a community property state , And this would have to be a issue I take to My atty ",
    Read your order ! And I changed the lockes and the Alarm code . Its my understanding that she is not to break the order iether , Maybe you need to file an order restraining Her from getting in ,
  I then packed her stuff up for the day she had to come get it ! And her atty complained because it was outside under a tarp , So I set some of it back in the house , But her stuff was packed , And she got some friends to come help her move , If this happens make sure you have more than one person there that will not let her take things  That are not on a list of things she is to have in a temporary order , And they should have a cmera or video recorder , But if she gets an order to get her stuff ,you can't be present , You have to have some one else there , And don't let it be any of her friends , Because as the garbage people did to me they will try to take stuff , I guess some people see opportunity in divorce , If you ask an atty have the restraining order with you so you can show it , as there are some differences in the orders


She may have asked for a civil standby at the time she returned for her things. You could probably check that out before going further. My ex did it. She also broke in three times afterward, breaking windows to get access. But with it being a domestic matter, the LEA will not get involved.

You can also request that an Officer be present when she returns for further pick ups. Make sure you have someone you trust to be present. And gypsy is correct, videotape!!!

Also make a list of items she picked up, have your witness have her sign it. Nothing would please her more then to take you to court, saying you threw her personal belongings away or refused her to get them.

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