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Have you heard of this site?

Started by melissa3, Apr 28, 2006, 12:43:51 PM

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I heard of this site through a friend and checked it out. I was suprised as hell to find fiance's ex/BM posted on there. She put some real, um, surprising things on there. I'm going to keep a close eye on her posts, I'm sure they will be interesting =)

Check it out, maybe you'll find your ex on there, too.


Most of the teens I know use this site too. My Sd and all of her friends divulge all sorts of stuff on their page.

I think it is real important for people with tweens and teens to do a little searching on the site to stalk their kids. My theory is, if I can do it so can a real sick-o. If I think SD is saying too much (phone #'s addy and stuff) I will let her know. For now it is a good window in her life.



Oh, we have found the ex's sites on myspace...and xanga...and livejournal too!  Unfortunately after retaining a lawyer she said she was "moving" to a new site and we have yet to find her yet. Very interesting stuff can be found on the net!


Yes very intersting stuff can be found!

BM told courts a few months ago she didn't have a boyfriend and her reasoning for wanting me, the fiance, out of visiation was that she didn't want their daughter to grow attatched to every relationship the parents have, incase the relatiohsip doesn't work out.

However, the pictures and blogs on her page CLEARLY indicate she has a boyfriend and that this boyfirend has spent time with my fiances daughter. Most of the pics have dates on them.

I don't think this info will help us in court but now the BM doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to me being around. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right?