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Has anyone used the PTT in court or mediation?

Started by MyAngels4, Jul 07, 2004, 03:20:31 PM

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My hubby has 50/50 of his daughter altho it ended up his ex has her a few more hours a week than he does, so my SD is in her school district. After using the PTT it is showing he actually has her more time, because of all the time she is in day care at her mom's and in school.

Has anyone been succsessful in using the PTT in court or mediation to change or modify their order?

We would like to get my SD back in our school district, and change times to every other week, instead of every half week.

Any advice is appreciated.


Yes, I used the PTT in court.

Really flipped my ex out,, she kept refering to it in court as " your little tracker thingy" in her best demeaning sarcastic tone.

Remember, all time NOT spent with a NCP, is considered the CP time in most court orders. Regardless of where they are.


Did the court give it any consideration? like the actual percentages of time in your care.

You said:
>>Remember, all time NOT spent with a NCP, is considered the CP time in most court orders. Regardless of where they are.<<

Do you mean they dont look at the time on the PTT the child is in school or in day care?

My Dh's court order does not specify a custodial parent. In fact there is no child support ordered.

Thanks for your help,


Well then,, THATS a huge difference. No designated cp. WOW!!

Then what I would advise is this: Concerning time spent in daycare or school,, if you both are paying the daycare, split the time down the middle, school time the same way.

Now see how the numbers pan out.

And yes, I used the sparc PTT here and it was admitted into evidense.



It still crack me up everytime I see what your ex referred to it "Your little tracker thingy) OMG it is so funny, make her sound so uneducated.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


I have a question.  I want my husband to try this PTT.  I see that sparc has one but does it cost money too?  I can't seem to figure out how to use it.  Am I just being dumb or what?!  

I was also wondering if you know if it's possible to get joint custody if you were never married to your ex?  My husband was told he didn't have a chance because they weren't marrried but I think that shouldn't matter as long as they are both biological parents and we only live about 15 minutes away from each other.  They are two different school districts though.  Is it worth trying for?

Can you help me out?



About the PTT I will let someone else answer since I dont know. About joint custody go for it. My Dh was never married to his ex and has joint legal custody of his son so yes it is possiable. It also depends alot on what state you are in. Good Luck!!

Kitty C.

First off, it's FREE!!!!!!  Second, you need to have Excel in order to run the program.  If you still have problems, I think there is a help section or you can e-mail Admin. and someone there should be able to help you.

Optimal does (at parenting.net) cost and it is more in-depth than the PTT here, but it just all depends on how much you want or need.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


>I have a question.  I want my husband to try this PTT.  I see
>that sparc has one but does it cost money too?  I can't seem
>to figure out how to use it.  Am I just being dumb or what?!

The SPARC spreadsheet (PTT) is a minimalist solution, and requires you to have Excel. It also can only be used on the particular PC it's installed on. It's a bit cryptic in spots, mainly because it's built from a spreadsheet; it's not really an actual application. The PTT is more or less obsolete these days. It's what people used because there wasn't anything better at the time, but it dates from 1998 or so and is limited in what it can do.

The Optimal service goes way beyond what the PTT can do, and in my opinion it's well worth the money. I think of it this way- the cost for a year of the Optimal service is about the same amount as what you'd spend for a single hour with your attorney. For all it does, I'm surprised it isn't more expensive. I've bought several Optimal accounts for friends of mine, and they all rave about it. Some of them were using the PTT and said that going from the PTT to Optimal is like going from a scooter to a jet plane.


Thanks for letting me know you need excel.  We don't have that.  Thats why I felt so dumb.

I talked to him about buying the Optimal service but I don't know if it's worth it to us.  We only get her every other weekend and as of right now, she doesn't even want to come and see us because her mom has brainwashed her into thinking that we discipline her too much.  

We haven't gotten her for about 3 weeks now but I'm hoping that will change soon.  We wanted to see if she would realize what she's sacrificing but not seeing us for a while but I doubt that has done any good this summer.  

We know of quite a few weekends that her aunts or her grandma have had her but I don't know if that can be used in court because it was told to us by someone else.  We didn't actually see it but my SD had told us it was true on a few occasions.  Her mother doesn't spend enough time with her and we would like to get custody but her mom is a real bit$$ and will do anything to make us sound bad.

Even if you track what you heard happened on the weekends and certain other times, do you think the judge would listen to it?  These aren't  just rumors, the people telling us have definitely seen my SD with her other family members instead of her mother.  I just don't know if we can use it to show how little time she's spending with her too.

Can you help make our decision?
