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Please help me...desperate

Started by dcruz, Sep 23, 2004, 04:28:42 PM

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I have been funding my brother's custody battle for the last 10 months.  The mother kidnapped the baby when she was 3 months in the middle of the day and took her from NY to MA.  We have been in court ever since.  They have given my brother visiting rights for every other weekend.  He is fighting for two weeks w/him and two w/the mother.  The referee that is hearing the case denies any evidence we have that shows the mother has lied, has violated the court order, has handed in false paperwork...the referee refuses to hear anything that comes from my brothers lawyer.  We have asked to have the referee removed & we are told that a judge might throw the case right back to the same referee. My questions:

-Is there a way to remove the referee off of our case permenently?
-We are running out of money and our lawyer has requested that the court begin to pay her fees as an 18B lawyer (she is also used as a lawyer to persons who cannot afford representation).  The referee refused to hear her and told her to tell the family to find the money.  What can we do about this?
-The court has ordered forensic psychologist exams that we cannot afford, do they not have to pay for it?

Please help, I don't want to lose my niece for lack of money and a referee who is pro-mother, anti-father.


See the "Frequently Asked Questions" section at http://www.deltabravo.net/faq

See "Tips for Getting Started" at http://www.deltabravo.net/news/10-19-2000 .

See the "Custody Evaluations" section of the Articles page at http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/articles.htm
