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Is this funny? Only if the victim is a man....

Started by Brent, Dec 12, 2003, 07:38:06 AM

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From Lew Rockwell's blog:

"Count on a Reuters "Oddly Enough" piece to make light of a man being mutilated by a woman. Almost everything in the article, from the headline ("Man Gets More Than Phone Cut Off After Mix-Up") on, treats this brutal act by a woman as a joke — one which the husband had coming to him. The bias can easily be exposed by flipping gender, including for the correlating sexual parts. Just try it for the headline alone.

Can you imagine a light-hearted piece about a man severing his wife's clitoris because he found text messages from another man on her mobile phone? Neither situation should be treated as a joke, and something is desperately wrong when articles like this can be published by major media and passed around with frivolity. Obviously, this isn't the first time. The underlying theme: Men deserve to be hacked at with knives, their sex lives destroyed — because they are men. There is no escaping or denying the bias."

The story:

Man Gets More Than Phone Cut Off After Mix-Up  
Thu Dec 11, 9:17 AM ET  Add Oddly Enough - Reuters to My Yahoo!
MANILA (Reuters) - An irate Filipino housewife sliced off her husband's penis while he slept after she discovered text messages from another woman on his mobile phone.

A local radio station reported the woman rushed her husband to hospital in Manila Thursday when large amounts of blood flowed from his wound, but that she forgot to bring the severed piece of flesh.

Doctors were able to restore his manhood after she raced home to collect the missing piece. The man, a welder, told the radio station he had forgiven his wife.

Callers to the station, reacting to the news, offered helpful hints to wayward husbands such as never sleeping on their backs and always keeping mobile phones tucked under the pillow.

Now, after I go berserk and cut off my wife's clitoris, I expect a humorous headline and some good chuckles from the studio audience, okay?


Well, she COULD have gotten a lawyer and taken him to the cleaners.

Brent, the woman is an aberration.  If you want to remove clitoris' (what IS the plural form of clitoris?)from women, move to Africa or the Middle East.  It's a nifty rite of passage for girls back there.

Here's a real helpful hint....don't cheat in the first place!


> Brent, the woman is an aberration. If you want to
> remove clitoris' (what IS the plural form of clitoris?)from women,

Nope, I never said I wanted to do that. I don't. But if I did, I'd hope that my atrocity would treated humorously by the media like they do when it's a man.

> Here's a real helpful hint....don't cheat in the first place!

Well, this is where we part company, because I don't think anything justifies cutting another person's genitals off.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you personally would do something like that.  

Lol, that is a pretty extreme reaction to infidelity.  Hahaha, I found out my ex was sleeping around while I was pregnant with my second baby.  I thought it was my fault.  Guess I couldn't find the scissors....

There is no justification for mutilating another person.  That's a disclaimer...