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Boycott Domino's Pizza for funding the PayKids Billboard contest

Started by Brent, Oct 05, 2004, 11:14:25 AM

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From an email list.......



Calling the Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox's PayKids Foundation billboard contest "shameful," KRightsRadio supports a nationwide letter-writing/call-in campaign and boycott of Domino's Pizza in protest of Domino's support for the new contest, which is targeted to Michigan children. KRightsRadio believes the contest is not in the best interests of Michigan's children and families.

KRightsRadio founder, Richar' Farr asks, "Are kids expected to draw pictures of so-called "deadbeat dads" going to jail? This is unconscionable, and the term "deadbeat dad" is derogatory.  This contest and billboards dotting the Michigan landscape with imagery of jails, handcuffs, and conviction send a scary message to young children. It's not good. The contest should be called off immediately."

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox unveiled the billboard contest in a 9/23/04 PRNewswire release.  According to the release, Michigan children under age 18 are urged to create and submit drawings to Paykids Foundation calling attention to the encouragement of payment of child support. The winning drawing will be used to create a billboard to be placed near a major Michigan highway. Domino's Pizza gift certificates and other prizes, including a school pizza party, will be given to some children who have entered the contest.

Farr says this contest exploits Michigan children to further a personal or
political agenda.

"We believe this contest will only serve to encourage animosity between some custodial parents and noncustodial parents who pay child support, thereby emotionally hurting their children.  I believe any psychologist will tell you that children should never be dragged into discussions of adult issues like child support, 'visitation,' or other divorce or family breakup topics. Divorce is already painful for kids. Now this PayKids campaign is encouraging more negativity," said Farr.

KRightsRadio believes the whole PayKids initiative is based on a false premise and erroneous information. It is a misguided, overzealous program that is hurting, not helping, Michigan families and U.S. taxpayers. It encourages the targeting of deadbroke parents and their families, according to Farr.

"If officials say they're worried about child support not getting to the children, why aren't they talking about the millions of dollars in collected child support that is sitting, undistributed, in interest-bearing accounts in Michigan? This is the children's money, and it is not getting to them. The truth is that, nationwide, child support agencies have many millions of dollars of child support money that has been collected yet has not been distributed to the children and custodial parents.  Furthermore, why are court orders for parenting time routinely not being enforced?" Farr asks.

According to KRightsRadio, this is an issue for U.S. taxpayers, not solely Michigan taxpayers, because federal money is given to states to pay for computers and systems that have high error rates. Until state officials face the truth that the child support system is rife with error and that they are working from a faulty basic premise, they will not be able to fix the system because they do not understand the true dynamics of the situation.

Farr quotes a Booth Newspapers report "Amnesty gives deadbeats chance to pay off child support"(2/19/04) that references a Michigan Family Independence Agency study:

"...A recent study by FIA showed that 87 percent of arrearages are owed by those earning less than $10,000 a year."

Contrary to popular thought, research shows that most parents who don't pay child support are deadbroke, not "deadbeat."  Most parents support their children. Most of those who don't pay child support, can't pay, due to unemployment, illness, or disability.  Some are literally dead.

"We're exercising our free speech rights by supporting this nationwide boycott of Domino's Pizza. We encourage everyone, including the approximately 14 million noncustodial parents and their extended families, to support the boycott, and they already are starting to do so," said Farr.

For more information about the nationwide boycott of Domino's Pizza and the
campaign to call and e-mail letters to Domino's to let them know of the
public's opinion of their support of the billboard contest, see

e-mail KRightsRadio.com:   [email protected]  and  [email protected]

telephone:  (817) 223-0126   or  (330) 534-8948


but as sooo many of us know, even when CS is paid, it doesn't get to the children, then the CP's ask for more, as veiled alimony.

I wish there was some way to force cp's to account for this money.


I emailed Domino's headquarters and let them know just what I felt about this whole thing.

NEVER again will I by from Domino's if they don't put a stop to this A.S.A.P

And that Cox, well he should add "comb" to the end of his name. That guy is the lowest form of life to be subjecting kids to what HE feels is "the right thing to do".

I can't EVEN imagine the kids at the schools when they are explained why they are rewarded with pizza.

Cox is only looking out for the Federal money HE wants HIS state to receive. He's not looking at ANYTHING else, there is NO excuse in the world that "so called" guy could ever come up with to make me think otherwise. Not even in the slightest form.