goes from bad to worse. I had asked last month to trade weekends, since I was out of town on the 23rd-24th. I was told by my SIL that it wouldn't be a problem....I even mentioned that we would then have GD on the last weekend of July and the first weekend of Aug....she agreed. So last Thurs., I texted her to find out when she would drop off GD to us on Friday. I was told by SIL that she wouldn't. When I told her that this had been agreed to, she said she remembered that, but BM 'doesn't want to keep trading weekends, so this is the way it will stay.' I told her to inform BM that her unwillingness to work with the father and denial of parenting time will not look good on her when a permanent custody order is being negotiated. No response and no GD last weekend.
Then Sunday we went to was the 150th anniversary and the church was packed. We sat in the back row and I soon realized that B, SIL, GD and my mom (in a wheelchair) were about 10 rows ahead of us. When it came time for Communion, SIL went up front with the praise band and B passed off GD to another parishioner (whom I know well) so he could take my mom forward. So when it came time for me to go up, I had to walk right by GD. She saw me right away, said 'Grandma!' and put her arms out to me. I certainly wasn't going to tell her no...I didn't want her to pitch a fit in church, so I figured I could carry her through communion and hand her back to either B, SIL or the other parishioner.
I walk up to one of the clergy when I feel GD being lifted out of my was my brother! I was so stunned that I couldn't say anything and just turned back to the clergy, who had a question on his face like what just happened. When I got back to DH, he said that as soon as I took GD in my arms, SIL was waving at B to go get GD. Mind you, this all happened literally right in front of God and the entire congregation! I have no idea what they were thinking....that I would leave with her? DH said that they probably think the no contact order between DS and BM also includes us and GD and it doesn't. There is nothing stopping DH or I from seeing, playing or holding GD at any other time other than DS's weekends. The lady who was sitting next to DH and I (and was right behind me in the communion line) asked 'Isn't she your granddaughter?' When I told her yes, she asked what just happened. I told her that it's a long story, but suffice it to say that my B and SIL hate me.
And GD's 2nd birthday is on Sept. 3rd. I figured out why BM doesn't want to switch weekends anymore...because right now, she will have GD for EVERY major holiday for the rest of the year except for New Year's Eve. So since GD's birthday falls on a weekend DS can't have her, will they make an accommodation to allow him to see her, even if it's part of a day? And if she offers the same thing as Father's Day (TWO HOURS!), I will tell her that's a slap in the face. I plan to start contacting BM next week via text....there's nothing legal that says I cannot contact her. And if I get no response, I will stop at her work place. And if they (BM, B and SIL) refuse to address it, it's one more violation to add to the contempt order we already have filled out and just waiting to file. I told DS that we should wait until after GD's birthday....because if they refuse for her birthday, we will then have 4 violations of the no contact order and it was only updated at the end of June. So if this is the way they are going to operate (doing their best to keep GD out of DS' and grandparents lives), they will have to answer for it in court.
And sooner or later, I will have to confront my B and SIL about all this....because I get this impression that they're trying to drag my name thru the mud. We live in a very rural, tight-knit community and I am a vol. EMT....if they are trying to slander my name, they will answer for that, too.
Thank you for letting me vent.....
Then Sunday we went to was the 150th anniversary and the church was packed. We sat in the back row and I soon realized that B, SIL, GD and my mom (in a wheelchair) were about 10 rows ahead of us. When it came time for Communion, SIL went up front with the praise band and B passed off GD to another parishioner (whom I know well) so he could take my mom forward. So when it came time for me to go up, I had to walk right by GD. She saw me right away, said 'Grandma!' and put her arms out to me. I certainly wasn't going to tell her no...I didn't want her to pitch a fit in church, so I figured I could carry her through communion and hand her back to either B, SIL or the other parishioner.
I walk up to one of the clergy when I feel GD being lifted out of my was my brother! I was so stunned that I couldn't say anything and just turned back to the clergy, who had a question on his face like what just happened. When I got back to DH, he said that as soon as I took GD in my arms, SIL was waving at B to go get GD. Mind you, this all happened literally right in front of God and the entire congregation! I have no idea what they were thinking....that I would leave with her? DH said that they probably think the no contact order between DS and BM also includes us and GD and it doesn't. There is nothing stopping DH or I from seeing, playing or holding GD at any other time other than DS's weekends. The lady who was sitting next to DH and I (and was right behind me in the communion line) asked 'Isn't she your granddaughter?' When I told her yes, she asked what just happened. I told her that it's a long story, but suffice it to say that my B and SIL hate me.
And GD's 2nd birthday is on Sept. 3rd. I figured out why BM doesn't want to switch weekends anymore...because right now, she will have GD for EVERY major holiday for the rest of the year except for New Year's Eve. So since GD's birthday falls on a weekend DS can't have her, will they make an accommodation to allow him to see her, even if it's part of a day? And if she offers the same thing as Father's Day (TWO HOURS!), I will tell her that's a slap in the face. I plan to start contacting BM next week via text....there's nothing legal that says I cannot contact her. And if I get no response, I will stop at her work place. And if they (BM, B and SIL) refuse to address it, it's one more violation to add to the contempt order we already have filled out and just waiting to file. I told DS that we should wait until after GD's birthday....because if they refuse for her birthday, we will then have 4 violations of the no contact order and it was only updated at the end of June. So if this is the way they are going to operate (doing their best to keep GD out of DS' and grandparents lives), they will have to answer for it in court.
And sooner or later, I will have to confront my B and SIL about all this....because I get this impression that they're trying to drag my name thru the mud. We live in a very rural, tight-knit community and I am a vol. EMT....if they are trying to slander my name, they will answer for that, too.
Thank you for letting me vent.....