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Pages: 1 2 [3]

Child Support Statistics: Myths, legends and the American Way: Deadbeat dads

The "deadbeat dad" craze has allowed the blame of several social ills, from poverty to welfare costs to social pathology, to be placed squarely in the laps of fathers.

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Justice Department Report

Justice Department findings show domestic violence advocates have exaggerated statistics.

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An Optimal Statistical Model for Extrapolation of the Maryland Child Support Guidelines

The purpose of this work is to develop a statistical model which will most accurately extrapolate past the current child support guideline schedule.

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Where parents are separated, what more can be done to support the fights of the child to have contact with both parents on a regular basis?

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Personality Characteristics Of Falsely Accusing Parents In Custody Disputes

Files from contested divorce and custody cases where there were false allegations of sexual abuse were reviewed. Compared to custody-only, falsely accusing parents were much more likely to have a personality disorder.

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Minority Report And Policy Recommendations Report

Full text of the Minority Report And Policy Recommendations Report.

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Societal Vengeance Wreaked Upon The Deadbeat Dad, by Wade Mackey, Ph.D.

A look at the myth vs truth behind the "Deadbeat Dad" image that society and the media

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Pages: 1 2 [3]