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Is this realistic?

Started by KKJ995, Jan 02, 2007, 06:59:00 PM

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My step-son I believe has finally found a lawyer.  His mother made the appointment for him and went with him.  The lawyer want's a $3000.00 retainer.  Is this realistic?



the lawyer said the reason the retainer is so high is because he was not married and this way they will get paid.
Before his appointment he had said that he also had to pay for the consultation, it was not free because he was not married.
Anyone else run into this?


>the lawyer said the reason the retainer is so high is because
>he was not married and this way they will get paid.
>Before his appointment he had said that he also had to pay for
>the consultation, it was not free because he was not married.
>Anyone else run into this?

Lawyers (and judges) are known to lie, so offer the guy half the ammount and be sincere in your quest. See what your lawyer does first.


He was told before he ever went in that it would be  $2500.00 to $3500.00.  His mother went in with him and knowing her this must have been the best she could do.  The lawyer is a female.

What do you mean see what your lawyer does first?  


This is NOT uncommon....actually if he gets away with only 3000.00, he's lucky.

My Divorce.......................10,000
My DH's Divorce...............26,000 (plus 800.00 for evaluation)
My Post Decree Problems....7,500 (plus 1,500 parenting time coordin)
My DH's Post Decree Problems..5,000 and change

Full Custody of ALL of our kids....Priceless

After all is said and done depending on what he is needing the lawyer for, you are looking at a much higher number.  Although I don't get why the consult wasn't free, you need to find another attorney that has a free consultation.  The only reason I can think of is why they charged you is you went over their 1/2 hr free consultation limit.

Good idea going with a woman...IMO, but I think you could get a lower retainer if you shopped around a little.


In our suituation the total cost, was $93, 204.22, over the span of 13 years and ongoing.  This was just BF cost, we have no idea how much BM spent on her multiple attorney's or fees etc.


Not at all unreasonable. My attorney asked for $5,000. My stbx's attorney asked for $3,000 - but has already spent that plus much more. We're no where close to the end. I'm sure we'll be way over $20 K before we're through.


You could have sugar coated it just a little.  LOL!!  :)


DH's Atty asked for a $5K retainer. We went through that pretty quick. At $220 an hour for regular time and $330 for courtroom time it goes fast, but she got good results out of a crappy case (Dh's original divorce, he got the shaft without an attorney and we had to come back from an entirely one sided decree without a significant change in circumstances (other than BM threatening to move).

We got a useable parenting plan for under $10,000.

the year before, we managed a REDUCTION in CS (he was paying above guideline based on an original order that was done on fraudulent numbers). We did the reduction pro se and BM jumped at the chance of a settlement (she was looking at more than a $200 reduction without DH settling).

Spend the $$ for the parenting plan-- it is MORe important than the CS order.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


>My step-son I believe has finally found a lawyer.  His mother
>made the appointment for him and went with him.  The lawyer
>want's a $3000.00 retainer.  Is this realistic?

I had to pay a $5,000 retainer for my lawyer.  My ex had to pay the same to his lawyer.