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Started by lookinnomore, Sep 17, 2004, 12:35:46 PM

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I just had this experience three weeks ago. Even with a CO, the Police have their hands tied. They told me it is a civil matter and they can not force the child to go or force the mother to hand the child over. I was told to call my attorney.

Having an officer there to witness is good advise. See if they will fill out an incident report.

Best of Luck, keep us posted!


If she has gotten an ex parte order it is absolutely her responsibility to get it to you.  

The court will be closed now, but Monday morning, I suggest that you call them and ask them to read you the titles of all the court orders in your file.  If there is a new one, get a copy and if you never received notice, ask the court to vacate the order and rehear the motion.

I think you are correct, she is blowing smoke.  It would be fun to confront her with the lie.


no, she says it is a court order from when custody was given to dad.  Confronting this person would be like confronting a light stick of TNT.  She is a loose cannon waiting to explode

Thanks for all your support! Tonight has made me a total mess wish 7 would come on


son is going out to the car to tell her he is not going, have a neighbor who in the pouring rain bless is soul will be out smoking a cigg to hear the child tell his mother he is not going.

God I hope dad is not found in contempt of court that is our only fear


There has to be a visitation order of some kind when the father got custody of the kids.  Have you seen it?  That is likely what she is talking about.  From your posts, the younger of the two kids goes eow without incident, the older used to, until slapped.  Correct?  Okay, then likely there is a c.o. for eow or else why would they be going?  

The boy needs to work out this problem with his mother.  I don't believe what she did was okay, however, he disobeyed a direct order.  YOU and your dh should actually back her up on that.  For all you know she told him to go to his room, he refused, she demanded he go again, perhaps he called her a name? Depending on who told you what happened, you need to keep an open mind.

ANyway, let us know what happens.


ok mom came, son went out to the car, refused to go told mom he had plans with friends for the weekend and didn't want to go. This went on for 10 minutes or so. She finally took the younger son and got in her car and left.  Mom got in car and walked away from son.  I don't know how anyone can say he was not made available for her visitation.

In the court order that gave dad custody, there is no mention of visitation anywhere.  The boys have always visited eow as mentioned early.  It was what had always been done even when the boys lived with mom and they visited dad.  As for the order that she says she has, lets me real if she had it she would be waiving it for all to see.  She is blowing smoke!

This young man has been encouraged by his father and I both to see his mother, she has been encourage to come to his strings concerts, football games at school, none of which she does.  She has to be responsible for her relationship with her son somewhere.  

Thank You all for all your words, you'll never know how much they HELP!