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Doctor Issues

Started by Sanche99, Jul 16, 2007, 11:56:16 AM

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Kitty C.

Ma'am, I take medications that could kill me and they're very common meds.  If you've ever read the counterindications on any script, the possibilities are endless.  I used to work with a lady who refused to take ANYTHING OTC or prescribed because she was too worried about side and long term effects.  Then she got pregnant and her whole outlook changed.

I have no idea what the outcome will be on anything I've ever taken or diagnosed with, but I will not stick my head in the sand and pretend it won't happen, either.  I also know that eating sugar dramatically increases the possibility of caries and that ALL the preventative care (brushing, flossing, prev. maint., etc) cannot guarantee that I won't get a cavity.  But that doesn't keep me from eating sweets!  The principle is the same.....there are NO guarantees.  Everything and anything can kill or do damage.  You have to weigh the 'potential' for risks over the advantages.  Chemotherapy can make cancer patients sicker than the disease itself, but they still take it, because there's a CHANCE it could put them in remission.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Actually, all you have to do in most states is sign a waiver saying your opting out.  They cannot force you to immunize your children in order to go to public school.

And there IS documentation as to the negative reactions of the shot.  The problem is, there is no actual documentation as to the positive results, because it hasn't been around enough.  But for some reason, just saying, "Oh, it's safe" is considered enough.  Yeah...So is thalidomide for pregnant women, right?


I'm quite aware of the side effects of chemothearpy, as I stated my daughter just finished 2 years of chemotherapy for leukemia.  You're right, when faced with certain death or a chance at life, you take your chances with the medications.  

But we are talking about a BRAND NEW vaccine that MIGHT help prevent a FEW strains of an STD that MIGHT cause cervical cancer SOMETIMES if you get it.  In my opinion, it's not worth the risk.  I'm not saying you're a bad person if you believe it's worth it.  It's a very individual decision.  And that's my point.  My question is NOT about the vaccine itself, it is about the rights of a parent with legal custody.

Thanks for sharing


...SD just refuses to go with her mom to the doctor's office? What is she going to do, drag her? Call the cops? She is old enough to drive, she should be old enough to say what happens to her body.

Even if bm took it to court, I seriously doubt a judge would order it, because there is not an iimmediate threat to her health to NOT get it.


Hmm, that might work.  


I had no idea that some girls have died from complications due to this vaccine.

Unfortunately some states are thinking about making this vaccine mandatory at a certain age.  


You are entitled to your opinion on the shot but so is her BM. There has to be some positive documentation or they would not get approval. I understand your concern that it is a new drug and want to wait. This was the fear when the chicken pox shot came out, most kids get it. I think putting SD in the middle will not be good. If BM brings her to her DR and the DR tells SD all about the "positives" , will she go against her mom and the DR?

You have your opinion about shots in general...but Legally....BM has the same right as your DH....(someone said that it takes several shots....if this is true then you do not have to worry because SD will be back before the next one right?)


I just read about it...you need 3 shots in the first year and you "may" need a booster shot if you get in before 12 years old...(I guess that is why our dr said 13 years old). The sites I just visited keep repeating that it is a new drug and they do not know how long it lasts...or if boys should get it too.  Very interesting reading though....


I was thinking about having my daughter get it, but I didn't realize that there have been some deaths related to it.

I guess I'll be doing more research first.


Yes, I understand her mother is also entitled to her opinion on it.  We are simply asking that she wait, and that SDs desire regarding the shot be considered.  She is 16, and able to make decisions regarding her reproductive health otherwise;  Why not immunizations, especially one that has to do with an STD?  

Yes, we absolutely have to worry about it with several shots.  It is the first one that is the most dangerous.  But the thing is, she can always get the shot later if she wants it.  She can't "un-get" a shot.