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URGENT - Your action needed now!!! THIS IS HUGE!

Started by Hawkeye, Apr 25, 2005, 05:17:41 PM

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http://cspaonline.org/take_action.php <-- California Shared Parenting Group

As California goes, so does the rest of the country
----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn Sacks
To: 'sacs1'
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 12:29 PM
Subject: question

We launched the campaign in support of the California Shared Parenting Bill (AB 1307) on my radio show last night. We're trying to hit them with everything we've got today and tomorrow. If possible, can you send the Call to Action below out to the FAPT list? Thanks in advance for your help.
Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks
NEW CAMPAIGN: All Out for California Shared Parenting Bill!
April 25, 2005
As many of you know, this evening we declared a new His Side listener campaign in support of AB 1307, the new California Shared Parenting bill.  AB 1307 will create a clear presumption that parents equally share in the custody of their children unless there is clear evidence that it would not be in the children's best interests. AB 1307 protects children's relationship with both parents by making it clear that parents come before the family law court with equal rights to and responsibilities for their children.
California family law has enormous impact on the family law of other states, many of which are currently considering shared parenting bills. A victory on AB 1307 would reverberate across the country, aiding in ways large or small every child of divorce.

I want a letter from every individual on this list, no matter what state you live in. To join our campaign, click here.http://www.cspaonline.org/take_action.php

Hearing from so many of you over the past several years, it would be hard to put into words the amount of pain and misery caused by our current family law system and its sole custody, win/lose orientation.  Now is your chance to help change the system.

Though every His Side listener campaign we've launched so far has been successful, this one won't be easy. AB 1307 faces a tough fight from misguided feminist groups and other powerful forces who have already begun to assemble to oppose us.

Please recall, however, the events of last summer when we mobilized over 2,000 people to defeat a bill which would have given custodial parents almost unlimited right to move children out of noncustodial parents' lives. On the morning of August 16, Dan Walters, perhaps California's leading Sacramento insider, proclaimed in newspaper columns across the state that we had no chance to win. That same morning we received word that the bill was being pulled and we had won.

The California Shared Parenting Alliance (CSPA) is spearheading the bill.  

Again, to join our campaign, click here.

To listen to last night's His Side, "Support California Shared Parenting Bill AB 1307," click here.

Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks
Listen to His Side with Glenn Sacks


I posted for everyone to listen to this show earlier in the week. Signed and passed on, everyone on Sparc should do the same. AND I MEAN EVERYONE!

Once they are down with signing and passing, don't forget the groups out there, great way to pass this on....


Done deal, sent mine
come on everyone, Nation wide lets go!


This should be a no-brainer... children do best with both parents. EQUALLY!

Everyone here should email the California Judiciary committee with either the form note or with personal additions. I added some verifiable comments about the Iowa bill, HF22, which Gov. Tom Vilsack signed, but is sadly, not very well enforced yet, but we can fix that too.

Just gotta stick with it. Throw your depression out the window and go for it. Your kids need you, Dadio!

Now go quote me! ")

According to Karen DeCrow, former president of the National Organization for Women:
"If there is a divorce in the family, I urge a presumption of joint custody of the children. Shared parenting is not only fair to men and children, it is the best option for women. After observing women's rights and responsibilities for more than a quarter of a century of feminist activism, I conclude that shared parenting is great for women, giving time and opportunity for female parents to pursue education, training, jobs, careers, profession and leisure. There is nothing scientific, logical or rational in excluding men or forever holding women and children as if in swaddling clothes in an eternally loving bondage. Most of us have acknowledged that women can do everything that men can do. It is time now for us to acknowledge that men can do everything women can do."

The current system creates unnecessary litigation and added conflict between parents as they jockey to position themselves in the most favorable light for the court. By equally respecting the bonds children share with each of their parents, courts should encourage co-parenting and cooperation between divorced couples.


Signed and sent mine...from VA.....

I am very impressed with DeCrow's words.  She actually nails it!!!  


I am going to research who I need to contact in VA to badger into considering this in our state as well.  I think there should also be strict legal mandates about moving a child out of their school district - that instead of a 30 day notice...the CP has to have permission by the NCP or go to court to get the court's permission BEFORE the move.....Its way too easy to limit time with the NCP by simply moving..........


I'm all over it!  And, yes I'm very impressed by Ms. DeCrow.  Too bad she is the former president.


Thank you for posting this, Hawkeye.


>Thank you for posting this, Hawkeye.

You're very welcome... I know that many of us come to Sparc to grieve about loss, hopefully only temporarily, about access to our children, but Dads have this thing... we want to Protect our children, no matter from who ... and in this day and age, it has alot more to do with just a divorce...  Isn't that what Dads are supposed to do, paramount to breastfeeding..... sheeesh...?

Ya got my back???

pedofile predators, terrorists in general and heck, just to keep them safe around a friggin' campfire... DUH...

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that all out.

Sorry if it took me a day or so to get back here, so much else is going on on the net, makes me wonder if there is some right-wing conspiracy going on..... aka, Gannon/Guckert/Gosch/Bush... heck, not much else suprises me anymore...  it's just mayhem out there, no wonder I stay close to home anymore.


Just got something from Glenn, 1500 responded. There are close to 2200 registered members here, so who is not signing this? Aren't your kids with 30 seconds?

Hawkeye, I've got your back.....and then some

"Children learn what they live"