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PARADE magazine shared custody poll.....

Started by Kitty C., Jul 06, 2008, 02:55:00 PM

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I am a father and you are right. My problem isn't with a child having time with both parents, my problem is with the courts automatically giving custody to the mother no matter how much better suited a father may be to have custody. when a father and a mother walk into a custody hearing the father automatically has the deck stacked against him. Theman has to do so much to prove that he would be a better parent and all the mother has to do is show up. I just wish the system was fair like it's supposed to be. obviously every case is different sometimes the mother is better suited. i just wish that the system would consider both parents equally and not make the burden of proof so immense for the paternal side while the maternal side essentially has to do nothing. It is supposed to be the best interest of the child but I believe that the court just wants a quick solution so they just give it t the mother even if the father can prove that he is justs as if not better suited to be the primary parent of his children.
   I believe every child has a right to have both parents in his or her life. It is a sad fact that there are mothers who do not allow fathers more than their court ordered access ( 4 days a month) solely for the reason that the more time a father gets with the child aand the more time he is caring and providing for that child the more likely said father is to ask for reduced child support. This greed at the expense of a child growing up with their father as a visitor in their lives is detrimental to a childs develpoment. i chance to say that there are thousnads of children growing up without their fathers in their lives soley because thier mothers will not allow thier fathers to see and spend time with their children. Alot of the time the children are unaware of the fact that their father has makes multiple attempts to be there for them, usually the mothers do not tell or lie to the children to make it look like the father just doesn't care. Again there are cases where this is true and I only speak from the standpoint of a father who is denied access to his children solely based on finacial gain for the hypothetical mother.


I aplologize for the numerous grammatical errors in my last post, that's what I get for not taking typing class! Next time I will proof read before I hit the post button.