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Terrifying week

Started by DMcD, Feb 22, 2004, 08:30:30 PM

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Man D-----
I am so sorry that your week went soo bad!  I am so sick of these WOMEN--and yes it usually is the woman that will stoop so damn low as to call CPS or make false claims.  It sounds like you handled it very well.  But do rest up --  that elbow grease is hard to come by---lol--
I just have a couple of questions---WHY do they not go after the person that makes the false claims?  Why don't they question them as to WHY they filed the report in the first place.    This is just not right and i think if the one filing the false report would have to pay monetary fines--or either do jail time for it--then maybe it might stop some o this CRAP!
I miss talking to you!!!  Give me a call sometime!!


The last week in February, a man from Children's Services showed up at our door while my husband was home. As you know, our son and his boy live here, mainly in the basement and share our kitchen and a bathroom. I was picking up GS from daycare and my son was at work. He left his card and said for someone to call him.

Next morning I left a message on his voicemail and he called me at work. (He had asked for either me or my son when he came to the house that first time.) We set up an appointment at our home the following Monday. He couldn't tell me what the complaint was, just that it was not serious enough to warrant police involvement or removal of the child.

So, after I spent the weekend cleaning, he came out on the Monday. He asked, among other things, if GS had ever been overmedicated recently. Well I knew right away who had called them. BM. I had dropped him off at her place the weekend before and he had been sick and was on antibiotics, which I took along for her to give him. I showed her on the measuring spoon the line I had used, which, as she pointed out when I picked him up on Sunday, was slightly above the correct mark. She pointed this out and used magic marker on it (turned out it was a different spoon). She said he had only got one dose that evening instead of 2 a day.

Also in the complaint was that he was always dirty (he may have missed some baths that week cause he was pretty sick) and wore dirty clothes (never to go to her house - not that it should matter cause she often lets him romp in his underwear or nothing at all). Best of all...that he uses our stove on his own. NOT!!!

So we set him straight on all these things. I had already advised him about her contempt for non payment of CS in case it was her who had called. Of course he couldn't say.

He came back today to do a risk assessment. This was a list of questions for the 3 of us (me, son and dh) which included, have you ever been abused, ever assault anyone, any alcohol problems, whether we worked, etc. He did talk with GS and let me sit in on that in case he was uncomfortable talking to him. He did fine.

He talked at length about our concerns regarding BM's collection of snakes, alligator, etc. and he is encouraging my son to make a report about that (they have been known to take them out of their aquariums, etc. while kids were there). The local authorities really don't know of any laws or bylaws concerning these "pets" but are checking into it. Not that she actually has him there much...

So he is checking with the hospital about the dosage of the med he was taking, and will likely list our home as low risk and hopefully close the case. But talk about feeling intruded upon...BM is trying to say her aunt out of state made the complaint but we know differently from someone else.

So I know how you feel!

I guess by now your DH is home...bet you're a happy camper!
Take care.