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An open letter to SPARC and Brent

Started by nerd, Jan 03, 2004, 06:26:47 PM

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     The fact is, Brent's posts are quite enlightening.  They DON'T make me feel any other way, other than PROUD to be WHO I AM.  Why??  I am proud that I have risen above the stereotypical CP Mother.  I suppose my DH's EX thinks I am a PBFH, for without my finding this board, she would STILL (14 years later) be hiding my SD, from DH.  

      Brent is quite colorful in his language at times...  ;)  However THIS IS NOT A BOARD FOR CHILDREN.  Custody issues are NOT issues children should EVER be exposed to.  

     The majority of the posts by Brent you are referring to are posted on the "Father's issues" board.  I don't know any female fathers.... so that particular board IS for MEN. (Although I DO read there quite often.  I rarely post without remembering that it IS a FATHER'S board)


P.S.     Brent.....  I think you responded with tact and integrity!!  Thanks!  



"The majority of most people on this board are men"


I'm not absolutely positive, but I believe a poll was taken not long ago and the majority of the members are women - most of whom are married to the NCP and are struggling with the same issues as are the NCP fathers.

If I'm wrong about the numbers I will stand corrected ... if you were referring to a specific message board, such as Father's Issues, I have NO idea if the majority are men or women.  I certainly read the Father's Boards and do post there, just as I do the others.


The majority here ARE Women, I wish this would change however.  I think it is WONDERFUL how many women "Stand by their man!!"


Indigo Mom

-----Well, thank you, I appreciate that. I understand that she may take offense at some (or most!) of the stuff I post, but heck, ya can't please everyone. -----

No, you can't.  Your "women bashing" posts used to bother me.  Then I started letting what they say sink into me skull...and I liked them.  I'm so different than those "unwomen" you post about and that makes me thankful for who I am....even with all my quirky little ways.  I also get to poke at you with my funky responses...that's fun even though you do ignore me, Keanu!!!!!  (typical man pig blob of blech!!!!)

-----(Did you notice I said "heck" instead of that other really bad word? See, I can change!  -----

DUDE...I so toooooooootally feel this!  I got blasted by that woman on the fathers board and I didn't go off using foul words!!!  What's wrong with us???????????? Must be something in the air.  I'm going to the army surplus store and buying a gas mask because it's so unlike me to be nice.  grrrrrr

Indigo Mom

-----A woman in the throes of PMS??,, sheesh, just point em at the bad guys,, let em excercise that anger -----

Listen here, you backwoods, overall wearing, straw eating creep!!!!!  I've recently entered phase #2 of the whole "monthly friend" ordeal and I'm being fricken nice, dammitalltohell!  How dare you insinuate we're "angry" during our "time".  Dude, you're lucky you live wherever you live cause I'd have to rip your head off!!!!

Nah, just kidding!  I wouldn't hurt you!  (well....maybe I would)  


Indigo Mom

-----I know that we are "trainable" to some extent, -----

LMAO!  The ol man and I had this discussion last night!  He looks at me and says "where's my food, b*tch".  (he was joking)  I look at him and screech out a string of obsenities that would make Brent proud.  He says "gee...I thought you would have been trained by now". Me?  Trainable?  LMAO!!!!  Many have tried, all have walked away with permanent war wounds.  Ol Indy here will NEVER be tame!!!!


Denver Dad

I am new here and have not read alot about what Bret says. But Men have been BASHED with out regard for years. I think it is silly for any one to do so but you must understand how bad it had been for men. You never hear the term Dead Beat Mom but every one knows Dead Beat Dad.  We are all in this together to raise our wonderful children. It;s to bad the world has come to this. Dont hate Brent try to understand him.


And you know what else?  Not once did I ever see where anyone on this board suggest you find another one to go to if you didn't like this one.  That says alot, as alot of the mommy-friendly boards will bash you for saying anything good about a dad and throw you off their site.  This board is for everyone, mainly ncp dads, and their supporters.  And I get a huge kick out of Brent, and if you will notice, he also makes it easy for newbies to find the archives by putting the site right there in his reply, all they have to do is "click" and presto, there it is!  And as a step-mom, this site has been a HUGE gift to me!  And if I were lucky enough to win the lottery, I would remember who my friends are, like this site and the people who post and chat here!

Indigo Mom

-----Not once did I ever see where anyone on this board suggest you find another one to go to if you didn't like this one-----

I just did that.  Of course, it was only after she threatened SPARC...but hey, leave it up to me to go against the grain and request someone to get the hell off a site that isn't even mine.  LOL...


Lol, you woman-basher.  :)