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Wally World...(Walmart)...boys and rocks..

Started by FatherTime, Jan 23, 2004, 03:10:10 PM

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Check it out...


Indigo Mom

Did you read the description?  GAWD!!!

How walmart could stoop this low is beyond me...I've been ticked off at them for quite some time, now it's official...I'm boycotting them, too.  Well, mebbe I'll go there tomorrow and see if I can find this slop...then cause a big stink.  

Where do we write, FatherTime?  


[h3]Walmart stores:[/h3]
[a href=http://www.walmart.com/catalog/catalog.gsp?cat=121283]Click Here to open the webpage.[/a]

[h3]Walmart Website customer service:[/h3]
[a href=http://www.walmart.com/catalog/catalog.gsp?cat=121268]Click Here to open the webpage.[/a]

I thought that the part of actual encouragement of aiming well was truly uncalled for.  

[h4]"Remember girls, slingshots are dangerous, so aim well!"[/h4]

I think that Walmart has better PR people than Claire's.  I bet that they will pull these items fairly quickly.  But, we'll just have to wait and see.

Don't forget to point out that by Walmart supporting DavidandGoliathtees.com they are supporting a company that ridicules children with special needs as well.  Check out the david and goliath tees website and check under r-rated.  It is the short bus "joke" if you want to call it that. [a href=http://www.davidandgoliathtees.com/new/lines/default.asp?category_id=6&page=5]Click here to see it.[/a]

Indigo Mom

I spent all that time searching and you've beaten me...LOL

But, for those of us who are lazy and don't want to visit walmarts website...

Letters to the president....    [email protected]

Corporate Affairs - [email protected]

Wal-Mart Online - [email protected]

Customer Service for Wal-Mart's online shopping *You may also call ustoll-free at 1-800-WMONLINE

General Complaints to Wal-Mart: 1-800-WAL-MART

And FatherTime, I'd rather not look at that webpage anymore.  My poor throat can only take so many "harf" episodes before it gets raw...ya know?

I have a feeling both walmart and walmart.com will pull them with enough complaints.  After all, look at their webpages, all about equality, fairness, and children!!!

Indigo Mom

I spent all that time searching and you've beaten me...LOL

But, for those of us who are lazy and don't want to visit walmarts website...

Letters to the president....    [email protected]

Corporate Affairs - [email protected]

Wal-Mart Online - [email protected]

Customer Service for Wal-Mart's online shopping *You may also call ustoll-free at 1-800-WMONLINE

General Complaints to Wal-Mart: 1-800-WAL-MART

And FatherTime, I'd rather not look at that webpage anymore.  My poor throat can only take so many "harf" episodes before it gets raw...ya know?

I have a feeling both walmart and walmart.com will pull them with enough complaints.  After all, look at their webpages, all about equality, fairness, and children!!!


Based on the best-selling stickers and T-shirts by the hip and wacky clothing/accessory company david & goliath, this book is sure to be a hit with females everywhere. Remember girls, slingshots are dangerous, so aim well!

[p]Wacky.  Okay.  Walmart needs to get over themselves.  They sell Chinese slave labor merchandise, they ruin competitors, but heeeey they're all American.  Hmmm, would this be a good time to mention that they wouldn't stock Marilyn Manson or Nine Inch Nails CD's, but it's ok to throw rocks at boys?  The author has another lovely book, apparently (hopefully just)trashing Hello Kitty.  

[p]Please forgive me, but I've been boycotting Walmart for years.  There are plenty of cheap places to go to find what I want.

[p]Ideas on contacting the American superstore Antichrist?


Bunch of crap...they demanded a valid telephone number.  They didn't specify a valid area code :-)

A friend notified me that your stores stock the book, "Boys are Stupid..Throw Rocks at Them".  Are you also stocking the rest of the merchandise?   I am well aware that Tilly's and Bon Macy's cater to a different demographic, but once they were made aware of the problem with this merchandise, they promptly pulled them off the shelves.

I hope Walmart will continue to be a family friendly company, and do the same.  We don't need any more hatred in our society.


Considering how much I despise this company, I thought it was pretty low key.


This is all really starting to get to me.

I think the target here is to go right to the throat of the David and Goliath production.

There has to be some way of filing a complaint with an attorney general or something. It has to be nation wide.

This company has to go down. HARD.


I sent this by email and will be sending by USPS also--any suggestions?  Is it too nice? Not nice enough?  Not enough points made?
I'll edit it and forward....
Today I was browsing your site and came across an item that you are selling that frankly offended me.  It is the book you'll be selling named "Boys are Stupid:  Throw Rocks at Them" by the manufacturer David & Goliath.

This piqued my curiosity as to why you would promote violence against children and so I decided to investigate your company "message" and that of David & Goliath's.

You espouse Sam Walton's 3 Basic Beliefs:  Respect the Individual, Service to the Customer, and Strive for Excellence.  How selling a product that tells girls to hate boys will show respect to ANY individual is beyond me--perhaps you could explain it to me.  In my opinion you are doing a disservice to your customers and if this is the Excellence you strive for then the innovation to push the boundaries has truly been achieved.  You have exceeded MY boundaries.

If I were to propose to you my hypothetical books and products embracing violence towards girls would you buy and sell it?  Think about it--"Girls are Sissies: Pull Their Hair!", "Girls are Braindead: Ban them from School", "Cook, Clean, Make Babies".  

Offensive?  You bet it is.  But absolutely no different than David & Goliath's product line--only it is aimed at boys.  This humor at an adult level is one thing, but this humor aimed at children is quite another.  For you to have now become a part of this thinking is indefensible, and you have now lost my patronage.

I have literally spent tens of thousands of dollars in your stores--but I will continue no longer.  My friends and colleagues (almost all mothers and fathers) will certainly hear of your new core beliefs--and if but a few heed me they too will think twice.

Please reconsider your relationship with this company.  They make money by advocating violence.  By selling this product of theirs you are too.  


>I thought that the part of actual encouragement of aiming well
>was truly uncalled for.  

Yes, that was the topper.

I called and spoke to a Walmart rep. I was indignant as hell, and the rep was rather mortified that this book was being sold by Walmart that supposedly has such strong "family values". She gave me the main customer contact number:

1-800-WALMART (1-800-925-6278)
Use the option for Lee Scott's office (option 3, I think)

Tell them you've already spoken to the people who handle the website. Ask them why a company that claims to be "family friendly" would sell merchandise that promotes violence against children. Tell them, like I did, that Walmart has seen the last of my money, and that no one from my family will ever shop at Walmart again.

They will tell you that they need to send this to the purchasing department and that you'll hear back from someone in 2 business days. Give them a phone number and an address, and lets see what happens.