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Started by T0052SC, Oct 15, 2004, 08:58:15 AM

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I have a question about a sertain alligation my STBX keeps making.  She keeps sending e-mails to me and her attorney making statements about my driving while the kids are in the car with me (this is the only negative thing she has to say about me with the kids).  If this all goes to court will the judge take these alligations as a serious threat to the kids or will the judge think this is idiotic.  The aligations are that I drive to fast with the kids in the car (75 to 80 MPH on the interstate) when I am just going with the flow of traffic and never weaving in and out of trafic.  Any comments would be apriciated, thank you.


She can say what she wants, but proving it is another thing.

Any tickets? If you have a very good driving record, get documentation of it thru your insurance carrier.

In the mean time, try and stay close to the limit. Don't give her a chance to prove otherwise...

"Children learn what they live"


I have a question about a sertain alligation my STBX keeps making.  She keeps sending e-mails to me and her attorney making statements about my driving while the kids are in the car with me (this is the only negative thing she has to say about me with the kids).  If this all goes to court will the judge take these alligations as a serious threat to the kids or will the judge think this is idiotic.  The aligations are that I drive to fast with the kids in the car (75 to 80 MPH on the interstate) when I am just going with the flow of traffic and never weaving in and out of trafic.  Any comments would be apriciated, thank you.


She can say what she wants, but proving it is another thing.

Any tickets? If you have a very good driving record, get documentation of it thru your insurance carrier.

In the mean time, try and stay close to the limit. Don't give her a chance to prove otherwise...

"Children learn what they live"


Mine did that too amongst other things. She even complained I had my 5 year old in a booster seat. The police laughed and told her it was the law. Usually this is a just a sign of things to come so be on your guard. If she is willing to make a big deal about this she is just warming up. It sounds like custody is/will be an issue so watch your rear. I hope for your sake that I am wrong.


Custody is the big issue.  The STBX's perfect world is that I can't have anything to do with my kids but have to pay her large amounts of child support.  As she stated "their is no way in hell you will see the kids".

The problem I think the STBX is having is finding negitive things on me.  


It is always about control. I do not know the facts of your case but from my own and others like mine - she likely feels entitled and wants the children because (a) she is their mother and perhaps more importantly (b) because she knows you love them and want to be with them. It is a hard fight. If she cannot find bad stuff about you she will in all likelihood make stuff up - again my own personal experience and that of the other cases I have come into contact with. It is funny but her quote sounds just about the same as my child's mother's quote. Perhaps they know each other!



Last time they spoke she told DH that I drive down the road with my eyes closed and take my hands off the wheel.

Yeah, thats how I drive with my son and DH's kids in the car.  NOT!


Yeh you hit the nail on the head with control.  The whole marriage was based on control.  As soon as I filed and broke free from the STBX's ways of abusing me and my kids she became even more vandictive.  Then she found out during one of our trips to court some of the measures I went to to document and prove my case.  At that point not only did the STBX hit the roof but her father for showing his daughter in an infavorable light.  It got so bad people had to jump infront of him after court to prevent him from attacking me.