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Started by lookinnomore, Nov 17, 2004, 10:57:10 PM

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Be pro active. Send other parent a certified letter offering to switch, make sure to use specific dates and times so there is no misunderstanding as to where the kids are and when. Give a deadline when you need an answer (nicely). Keep a copy with proof of delivery. This will show the court that you are trying to be fair and are promoting the kids relationship with the other parent.


That is how I look at it. My son is too young to know what day it is. As long as we can celebrate the holiday as a family unit, it does not make a difference. It is about love and caring for those around you.

If the parents live close one another, there is no reason to let one have Christmas Eve and the other, Christmas. They are both holidays.

"Children learn what they live"


Ten – Four, on being flexible.

Because Mom is a ..........  well,,, no need to go there.

I have been seperated/divorced 3 years and I don't think I have ever celebration an event on the legitimate day.

Remember it's the SPRIT of the celebration NOT the day!*!*!

In Oct. my son gets 2 Trick–Or-Treats
Nov. he gets 2 Birthday celebration.
Dec he gets 2 X-mas.

Etc, etc............

Our Son loves the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!  He doesn't care when the official day is, he wants to know the party day  


lol isn't that the truth

My son gets 4 xmas' (with my inlaws, with dh and I and with his dads family and with my stepmom)
2 bdays
1 turkey day

I too had that growing up, I didn't care what day it was on, I wanted tot know the day everyone was coming over.

My inlaws do xmas early in Dec so the entire family can attend since many are married and have other inlaws to go to and many have kids so this works great for us. lol in all actuallity, my ss's and my son usually get 3-4  xmas dpending on what we. dh's ex and my ex have planned.

The important thing about holidays is it is a time to share with family and kids won't mind which day. They adapt and enjoy the celebrations with all of the family (moms/dads etc)

 **These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**



She wants Thanksgiving too.  He suggested that since Friday is her weekend, that they stay with him till 4:30, and she pick them up Thursday at 4:30 and keep them till Sunday night the usual drop off time.  This is unacceptable to her, she wants all day.  Mind you she is getting an extra day.

Is it unacceptable?


And what does the order say?

And who had it last year?

Here's the deal (again from my POV).

Divorce #1 doesn't say anything in my case about Thanksgiving.  Only alternating Christmas and News Years. (I'm the CP)

When EX was closer (travel wise) and had the weekend after Thanksgiving, I offered Thanksgiving to him.  

You know at one point in your life, you will get past "using" the kids to hurt the EX.  I know you don't think you're doing that....and I guess I would have wanted to see that you thought all the advice about switching Christmas Morning this year actually makes sense.

SHARE the kids ...

As an NCP, I can understand where she would want to have a longer weekend with the kids.  

And until the whole situation is 50/50 in terms of time, it's not fair to the kids.


Perhaps this will work. Suggest that you continue to share the days. Mention that you are willing to let her have the first half of Christmas this year & will switch next year. However, if she insists on having all of Thanksgiving, then you will start the typical visitation practice of alternating holidays. If this is what she wants, then she can have him all day Thanksgiving & you will have him all day Christmas.

Maybe it will start her to thinking. Just make sure you do it nicely.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!


Bye the way, the first year of gr8Dad's divorce, she got xmas day & he had them xmas eve. To make matters more difficult, he had to work the midnight shift & wouldn't get home till just before they had to leave.

We went out to dinner & when we returned, there was a note from Santa on the door. He said that he was glad that we weren't home cuz he knew they wouldn't bethere in the morning & he hoped that they didn't mind that he had already been there.

The kids were freaking out as we took our time getting out of the car. When we opened the door, sure enough, Santa had come. The kids stayed up most of the night playing with their new things & had to be woke up to leave. The older ones have long passed the Santa age but still express wonder over how it happened. LOL

December 25th is just a date. Christmas is what you make it.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!


I thought we had been more than fair, cause she is the NCP she is entitled to all the "fun time"?

She got Christmas, and now wants thanksgiving too.  He told her she could pick them up at 4 or 4:30 that way the boys had thanksgiving both places, even if they didn't eat with us and ate with her it was the spending of time together.  It seems as though she wants everything, and we are willing to bed to accomadate her and her family but she is not willing to work with us.

There is no order for anything, it is liberal visitation.  Which has been every other weekend up to now.  Last 5 years she hasn't been interested in anything, now suddenly she wants it all, where do we fit in?  


That was a good idea, will try that one tonight THANKS