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Topics - skye

Dear Socrateaser / Hey Soc
Jul 01, 2007, 07:48:53 AM
How do I go about collecting moms share of medical bills.?

I have paid the bills in full and given her copies of the reciepts and she says that is not proof...what do I need to give her or have I already done what I need to do ?

this is in the state of Virginia
Dear Socrateaser / soc can you help me with this
Aug 09, 2006, 08:02:32 AM
There is a 72 camaro on my property with no motor has been here 7 years that I have been here...I want to title it..and keep it...the virginia law says

"Notify the owner(s) and lienholder(s) by registered or certified mail of the location of the vehicle and that if it is not claimed within 30 days (or if a manufactured or mobile home, 120 days), it is your intention to apply for a Virginia title."

How do I write this letter? can you help me with a letter?

Can I charge a storage fee should they decide no pick it up ( since it is a split bumper all original except the motor) to keep them from wanting to?

thanks a bunch

Dear Socrateaser / need some help with this
Jul 18, 2006, 05:47:46 AM
Hiya Soc,

I have been searching for a sample Motion to clarify order..and am having no luck. I need to know if you have one or know where to locate one. I am in the state of Virginia.

Our new court order (5-31-06) is very vague leaving a huge amount of room for arguement. And we need to have a few of the times and dates for some holidays clarified so that there is no room for arguement.

in 7 years we have been to court 137 times so I feel it is very important so as not to waste courts time on petty arguements that could be avoided in the future.

Thanks for all you do

Dear Socrateaser / I need your wisdom
Dec 11, 2005, 01:44:10 PM
this is for a friend..

I believe that I am right on this ...If the custody evaluation and GAL report are in and you do not recieve a copy can go to the court house and get them..or at least I know here we have always been able to do so ...

a friend of mine went to the courthouse to get a copy of his and was told he was not allowed to see it or get a copy of it ...

is there anything he can do ...doesn't he have a right to see it ....?

his ex wife already has a copy as does her attorney..

the case is in OHIO he flew up from texas to see child and to get copies of this ...hearing is in January
where I can find the percentage rate on arrears in the state of mississippi, for a child support case through DCSE..


Dear Socrateaser / soc I need some help
May 19, 2005, 03:49:09 PM
I dont know if you remember me or my case I know you help so many of us here...topic #4089 will refresh as this is ongoing from that.

I was told to offer a holiday and visitation schedule...I did he sent his response and I have to answer by Monday, it will then be given to the judge and he will give a written decision ( as our hearing is 10 minutes )

I need help with wording and was wondering if I could email this to you to look at :
my offer ...his response...and what I have as far as a response ..I know what I need to say just not good at the wording...

Thanks in advance

Dear Socrateaser / need opinion
Nov 23, 2004, 08:47:55 AM

I need an idea about holidays ..if the NCP is not allowed overnights by the courts what is holiday schedule that could be used is there a normal?
Dear Socrateaser / need help
Oct 10, 2004, 05:59:22 AM
in Aug. we went to court because mom wanted to take them for an independent psychological evaluation.. we said it would be ok if it was someone who neither party had seen before:

Judge denied who she requested. and clearly stated that 1. she had to provide the name and number of DR to DH and his atty. and GAL 2. They all had to be in agreement PRIOR to her scheduling a visit. 3. she had to meet with their nortmal DR . 4 she had to inform us of all visits and times.

Well thursday she took them to one, NO she did not inform us at all the boys did when they got home... we have asked her by email for 3 nights the name and number of the person and she refuses to email us back AND the boys say they are going to see them EVERY thursday????

They have had the same Psycholigist and med DR for 3 years .. AND she has NEVER met with him .. she asked for a continunence as she told jusge he would not speak with her and she wanted to meet with him ...she made 2 appointments with the boys DR and failed to show up for both of them..

she does not want the DR to speak with DH or the boys DR because she knows the DR will find out she is BI polar and refuses treatment... what can we do the next hearing date available is november when we already go.

what can we do? anything?
Dear Socrateaser / Court order...question
Jul 14, 2004, 10:01:20 PM
" Father shall have primary Physical custody, with mom enjoying visitation as follows"

Is this Joint custody?

Can Mom make appointments on time that is not hers and demand we meet her halfway to do it?

Children have had same Dr's for 4 years and mom has never once called or talked to any of them.
OK We have custody mom has visitation, Dad works so judge has obligated me to transport children to halfway which I was ok with but she is always late 45min to 1 hour and it is strongly affecting my ex's visits with his kids SO...

My ex and I discussed it and he said that although I am legally obligated to make them available and he understands that our children should not play a factor .. but by obligating me he feels our children should become a factor since it is affecting our kids as well...

He suggested asking that she start picking up again at house and that he do the same .. but I cannot find anything that will help in presenting this to judge on Monday any thoughts would be helpful.

PS I am in Virginia
Dear Socrateaser / Thanks
Apr 19, 2004, 08:54:22 AM
I appreciate your help
Dear Socrateaser / How do I go about....
Dec 03, 2003, 03:59:59 PM
 We feel the judge in our case is very biased towards mothers we have 2 court orders showing she has gone against the GAL's in the case ( 3 different ones by her request all saying the same things) and the children's counselor.

There are several fathers in our area who report the same with this judge.

1. can we get another judge assigned ?

2. How do we go about doing it if it is even possible?
General Issues / something important please read
Jan 25, 2005, 09:19:00 AM
Breast Cancer Hospitalization Bill - Important

legislation for all women.

Please send this to everyone in your address book. If
there was ever a time when our voices and choices
should be heard, this is one of those times. If you
are receiving this it's because I think you will take
the 30 seconds to go and vote on this issue...and send
it on to others you know who will do the same.

There's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient
Protection Act which will require insurance companies
to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay

 for patients undergoing a mastectomy.

It's about eliminating the "drive-through mastectomy"

 where women are forced to go home

 hours after surgery against the wishes of their doctor,

still groggy from anesthesia

and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached.

Lifetime Television has put this bill on their web
page with a petition drive to show your support. Last
year over half the House signed on.
PLEASE!!!! Sign the petition by clicking on the web
site below. You need not give more than your name and
zip code number.

 This takes about 2 seconds. PLEASE PASS THIS ON to your friends and family.
Second Families / stepmoms....
Apr 21, 2004, 02:20:51 PM
I found this post on another parenting site called Parenting Planet.  I don't know who wrote it, where it came from, or when it was written

Stepmoms try harder.  Don't get me wrong - Moms have a very hard job, but stepmoms try harder.  They have to.  Moms have built-in respect - they can say "Because I'm the MOM, that's why!"  Try getting respect by saying "Because I'm the STEPMOM, that's why!"  Just doesn't have the same ring to it, you know what I mean?  (I won't even get into "Because I am one of the adult parental figures in this household, that's why!" - just rest assured, even before they roll their eyes at you, you'll feel pretty darn silly.)  Moms can say "No matter what you think, Young Man, you ain't too big for a whupping yet."  What can we say that equals that?  "Young Man, six hours from now, when your dad gets home from work, I'll be telling him you ain't too big for a whupping?"  Nice try, but no cigar - just doesn't carry the same effect.  
Stepmoms try harder.  How many of you remember being young - high school/college age - sitting around with your girlfriends, talking about the kids you'd have one day?  How many of you ever said "Boy, I just can't wait until the day when I get married to a man with kids and an ex-wife that hates my guts simply because I breathe air and I have to deal with her every other weekend?"  If you're like me, that never came up in those late night girl chats!  But we've all opened our hearts to our stepkids, even though half of their chromosones came from a women that at best we tolerate, and at worst we hate.  We see things in these kids that remind us of their mothers - sometimes even remind us of why we dislike their mothers - yet we still keep loving them, looking out for them, giving them chances.  Stepmoms have pretty big hearts.
Stepmoms try harder.  When things are going good, and everyone is happy, the biological parents get the credit.  Ever spent an hour at Wal-Mart analyzing all the eyeshadow options so that you can pick out exactly the right shade for your stepdaughter to wear with her new blouse on her date Friday night, only to hear, "Dad, you are so cool!  This is perfect!"  When things aren't so great, we get the blame.  "Dad wasn't this mean until you moved in!" - that's something a biological mother will never have to hear. The bond between a child and a parent is one of the strongest on earth - stepmoms with biological kids know this, and those without understand it also.  Oftentimes we willingly assume the scapegoat role, for the sake of our stepkids, so that they can grow up believing that their parents are good people and good parents.  We're not out to score points - the game is rigged and we know it - the bio parents won before we even entered the round.  We do this because we are good people, because we know in our hearts that applause and compliments are fleeting - we've found it in our hearts to put our stepkids' well-being before our own.  We like to see them happy, and don't care that much who gets the credit - as long as they are happy.
Stepmoms try harder.  We know that we have no legal or biological ties to our stepkids.  We know the world we live in - we know about no-fault divorce laws.  We know that one day we may not be part of our stepkids' lives, yet we still go out there every day and give it our best, with no guarantee for what the future will hold.  We forge relationships that we know can be severed at any time, and we all know we have no power to hold on to these children if our marriages to their fathers do not work.  Moms don't have to worry about that - it takes an active decision to stop legally being a mother - stepmoms don't have that option - our partners have control over that - we only have a passive role in the legal system when it comes to contact with our stepkids after divorce.  Yet we don't hold back - we love these kids as if they were are own - we love them and give them a place in our hearts that they can call their own forever - even though we know that might not be the case.
Being a stepmom sucks!  There's little or no payoff, it's the opposite of all our plans, there is no guarantee of success, it's a constant struggle to earn respect and love at the same time - why would anyone choose this path?  It makes no sense to me.  Yet we're all here making the effort, and we'll be back again tomorrow doing just the same.  Our circumstances are all different - some of us have harder roads to travel than others do - but we're all making the same journey.  I don't know how I do it some days - and trust me, I have it so much easier than most of you - and still, being a stepmom is the hardest task I have ever undertaken - if I want to give up at times, I can just imagine what some of you must feel, even on your good days!  
Take a moment to pat yourselves on the back, Ladies - being a stepmom is a tough job - I don't see anyone volunteering for it as their first choice, do you?  We fill a very important role - and we do it well!  
Visitation Issues / can anyone help me?
Jul 13, 2005, 02:35:25 PM
I cannot remember for the life of me where to find the articles on sending a journal back and forth in high conflict situations...can you all help me out?
Visitation Issues / need help finding info
Jun 27, 2004, 11:37:37 AM
OK We have custody mom has visitation, Dad works so judge has obligated me to transport children to halfway which I was ok with but she is always late 45min to 1 hour and it is strongly affecting my ex's visits with his kids SO...

My ex and I discussed it and he said that although I am legally obligated to make them available and he understands that our children should not play a factor .. but by obligating me he feels our children should become a factor since it is affecting our kids as well...

He suggested asking that she start picking up again at house and that he do the same .. but I cannot find anything that will help in presenting this to judge on Monday any thoughts would be helpful.

PS I am in Virginia
Custody Issues / help
Jul 22, 2005, 07:32:49 AM
explain what this means:

" Father shall have primary physical custody with Mother enjoying supervised visitation with no overnights as follows:"

is this joint custody?

Mom says yes...
Custody Issues / Aussie...anything yet?
Oct 31, 2004, 06:51:11 AM
Still praying for you and your daughter , and hoping all is working out, This seems like so long to wait, here its 5 buisness days ..I can only imagine how hard the waiting must be.

Custody Issues / Aussie
Oct 07, 2004, 02:18:18 PM
Any news at all yet? still praying for you and your daughter
Father's Issues / technical issue..admin please
Nov 27, 2005, 05:18:14 AM
I am trying to downlaod tyhe 4 phase parenting plan but it wont let me I am going to article archive and all it says download not allowed remte linking..this can only be dowlaoded from the SPARC website..

help please

he needs to write a letter toi his ex and adress a few concerns one is her new DH and her telling the children they must call him by his name ..

and the other is the new DH's constant interference in drop offs and pick is a part of it to give an idea:

"Last night was a real nightmare returning the kids. When I asked my ex for the address to where she was moving, her husband freaked out, told me that it was none of my business and get off his f***** property. I told him to relax and we could talk about this civily he then got in my face cursing and yelling at me telling me that he would beat my a**
All this in front of my kids, my daughter started crying. I'm glad that I resisted the temptation grabbing him by the throat and kicking his a**
Why act like this, especially in front of two toddlers...I just don't understand people.....perhaps It's none of my business where they are going.... "
Father's Issues / VA laws changing
Feb 03, 2005, 06:45:14 PM

There may soon be a change in visitation rights when Virginia couples file for divorce.

A bill in play at the General Assembly would take away a judge's power to establish a parent's visitation schedule. Some Virginia parents believe the current system is unfair. Parents spoke out Wednesday, saying they want a new law to establish fair visitation guidelines for parents going through divorce. Proponents of the bill say it would also drastically reduce attorney's fees. The bill would establish guidelines for judges during divorce proceedings. The guidelines include

giving the parent who doesn't have custody of the children the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends of every month. This parent would also get the children overnight on Thursdays, and half of national and school holidays, as well as half of summer vacation. The judge may award less than the guidelines but only for specific reasons.

The bill is being heard in both the House and the Senate. Similar legislation has already been passed in Texas. Advocates of the bill say it will benefit children by giving them significant time with both parents.
Father's Issues / can someone help me find
Jan 17, 2005, 03:57:07 AM
anything concerning taxes and NCP claiming child on taxes without letting other parent know?
Father's Issues / wanted to share
Dec 06, 2004, 08:41:02 PM
A little girl needs Daddy
For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!

Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.

Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.

Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She'll always find him there.
Father's Issues / Divorce ....@ ebay
Jul 09, 2004, 04:17:42 PM

I was wondering if you could tell me what made you change the boards format? Don't get me wrong it's not a bad thing, just gotta learn how this one works. Only thing I was unhappy about is having to request a new password and now showing as a newbie when I have been a member of this board for 3+ years now.