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child support - back owed

Started by stwbshort, Jan 16, 2004, 06:36:38 PM

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Actually mustang,, nosonew didnt make any allegation against you,, but I sure will.

I am beginning to think with your atitudes and positions on the issues here, that its a distinct possibility that your ex has not made a false accusation.

I dont argue that false accusations happen,, they do,, but so do real crimes against children,, and buddy your atitude and posts about nature vs society,,, it dont wash, it doesnt hold water.  Any person not mentally handicapped, and even most of those knows its unacceptable in society to have sexual relations with underage people. Yet your post argue for doing exactly that.
That is the thinking that I think needs to be made available to the DA in your case . Or, am I wrong in thinking you really wouldnt want to see your posts emailed to the DA and your attrny?

Indigo Mom

-----You mean if you had a chance to understand a murderer, a child molester, a rapist or etc... and learned the psychology of that type of person, it wouldn't help you to pick out future ones so we could do something about it? -----

Being a nutcase myself, I'm VERY interested in the criminal mind.  If there's a serial murderer out there, I've probably read all there is to read about him/her.  I'm absolutely fascinated with crime and spend more money than I should on it.  I'd like to know all there is to know and won't stop til I "do" know everything.  I have books from "The creation of dangerous violent criminals" to "The effects of child abuse and neglect" (hub still yells cause I spent $47 on it)  Ann Rule is my 2nd favorite author, 2nd only to Mr. James Patterson, who, in my mind, is the most twisted individual ever, with the worst criminal mind...and my dog is named after.  Crime is not a "passion" to me, but very close.  One day, when I grow up and the kids do, too...I'd like to go to school (after school after school) to become a medical examiner.  I love "crime" that much...but I don't/won't condone it.  

I'm so interested in crime...but never in a million years would I even BEGIN to learn about the mind who brutalizes our most valuable resource...our children.  

Some say castration would work, I disagree...it won't.  It's not so much about "sex" as it's about control...controlling someone smaller, weaker, unable to protect themselves.  It's about having power over those who could NEVER talk back, fight back, help themselves.  To me, someone who harms children is a pussy.  Yes, I said it.  That's what they are.  There IS no rehabilitation.  There IS nothing that will magically "change" them...any more than there's a miracle to bring world peace.  

Nothing will change them, mustang.  Much like a sociopath...death is the only "cure" for a pedophile.  And no, I'm not saying they should all be killed...just stating what I truly believe.


there actually in mo is something where when a pediophile comes up for parolle, that the prosecuting attorney's office then goes infront of the judge saying they should go to a mental hospital and be commited until they are "cured".  funny though, cuz there is no cure for pediophiles, so they spend the rest of their lives locked up.  


You know Indi,,

I like that option,, yuppers, death DO cure em....hmmmmmmm


   IF you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen peanut.  You can make allegations all you want.  First of all my charges don't have anything to do with children.  Secondly if any of you were half way educated you would look for answers and look for every solution possible to help make this world a better place.  You can't handle having things broke down because you don't know how to comprehend things very well.  Email away Pea-"Nut".  Sorry, did that hurt your feelings too?

   Dean Tong a very well known attorney was sent to jail for 10 yrs of his life because of child molestation allegations.  Only after that time were his children old enough to understand that their wonderful mother had put them up to it and went to authorities to tell them the truth.  As soon as he got out, he studied the law and fights for the truth.  I question people no matter what the allegation and no matter what the evidence says.
   This whole thread started because I questioned what was said.  You are so gullible that you are willing to believe what is said or written and not go into details.  I am a private investigator mack.  I know how to read the details and see the flaws in a statement.  You are not educated enough to see them so you can't handle someone else telling you that something is wrong.  

   Open your eyes and READ between the ligns Pea.


I think you had better lay off Mustang...you are taking this too far and as far as I'm concerned, this thread has gotten ridiculous.


   LOL, no question.  Ridiculous isn't even the word to use for it.  I'm tired of entertaining everyone anyway, so I'm out of here.  No more posts.  Seeya!

  Regardless of what you all want to believe,  God Bless all of you and your children.  Stay safe and love one another.

Indigo Mom

And here's what I'm wondering about.

On the casenet website, it shows EVERY charge being dated 11/8/1998.  5 years ago.  

On 9/10/2003, it shows "order for grand jury warrant".  It also shows that he was arrested 9/11/2003.  

However, the newspaper article, dated Wednesday August 6th, 2003....says differently.  Says he was questioned Monday August 4th, 2003...and charges were filed on Tuesday August 5th, 2003...and that he was arrested between those two dates.  It also says he was 34, but really, at that time, he would be 3 months shy of his 36th birthday...nother stupid thing I found.  

So, my questions are these.

Why are the casenet file charges dated 5 years ago.

Why did it take the state 5 YEARS to arrest this guy.

Why does the newspaper article say that the questioning, arrest, and charges filed happened a month before casenet says it does.  Also, the newspaper article quoted the detective as saying "the information turned up thus far indicates the crimes occurred over a period that could range from four months to two years."  What's up with the same charges being filed in 1998 if it's only been possibly going on since 2001 at the earliest?  

Color me a blonde bimbo all ya want, but the casenet files and newspaper article ARE about the same guy, same street name...but the facts are so far off between the two of them it isn't even funny.

Was he charged in 1998 and let off due to insufficient evidence?  Was he recharged in August 2003 and let off, only to have it reopened a month later? Is there another man, with the EXACT same name living on the EXACT same street?  

strawberry, i am in NO way calling you a liar.  I just find the court case and newspaper article quite odd.  that, and the fact that I'm sitting on me butt accomplishing absolutely nothing today.

The OutLaw

---On the casenet website, it shows EVERY charge being dated 11/8/1998. 5 years ago. ----

That would be the earliest date that the crime could have happened on. I would guess the childs brithday

---On 9/10/2003, it shows "order for grand jury warrant". It also shows that he was arrested 9/11/2003.

However, the newspaper article, dated Wednesday August 6th, 2003....says differently. Says he was questioned Monday August 4th, 2003...and charges were filed on Tuesday August 5th, 2003...and that he was arrested between those two dates. It also says he was 34, but really, at that time, he would be 3 months shy of his 36th birthday...nother stupid thing I found. -----

August is the date the phone call was made from strbery. They were gathering evidence since and finaly charged him in september. so he sat in jail for 3 months when they were gathering evidence. Even know he never posted bond they still have to issue warrent and charge him. As for the age thing... we know how newpapers are.

You just got to know how the court system works.

Mustang did not find a flaw cause if he did he would have pointed it out but he didnt he was hiding it.

All this poor women is doing is asking for help. Not to have to prove her story to everybody.

If you cant help this women dont respond.

Indigo Mom

-----That would be the earliest date that the crime could have happened on. I would guess the childs brithday-----

I see...grasshoppah!  I never thought of that, obviously.  I suppose my arrest warrant could have gone back to monsters birth, too, but it didn't.  

-----August is the date the phone call was made from strbery. They were gathering evidence since and finaly charged him in september. so he sat in jail for 3 months when they were gathering evidence. Even know he never posted bond they still have to issue warrent and charge him. As for the age thing... we know how newpapers are.-----

Again...I see...grasshoppah!  Yes, we know how court documents and newspapers are.  My arrest warrant said I had glasses and "stubbed facial hair".  hmmmmm...I have 20/20 vision and have never shaved my face in my life.  I do sport the occasional leg stubble that just about stabs my hub to death at night...but the ol legs are far from the face.  

Though I don't know why they would have to charge and arrest him twice.  He was charged and arrested for this a month (not 3 months) before the court documents say he was.  'Spose I'll never understand.  You can bring a person in for questioning, but if you don't charge him, he must be released...they did charge him.  He sat in jail...charged with this crime, then charged again a month later?  

-----You just got to know how the court system works.-----

Aaaahhh...why yes, I do know how they work.  Or don't work...whichever one fits, ya know?  Courts are about the most screwed up of places, if ya ask me.  

-----Mustang did not find a flaw cause if he did he would have pointed it out but he didnt he was hiding it.-----

Which is precisely why I sat on my behind trying to figure it out.  People asked him over and over to show his "flaw" but he wouldn't...so I did.  I'll bet you 10 something I wrote in my post was what he called his "flaw".  Probably the charges in 1998....

-----All this poor women is doing is asking for help. Not to have to prove her story to everybody.-----

I know that.  She doesn't have to prove her case...the prosecutor has to prove the childs case against this guy.  

-----If you cant help this women dont respond. -----

First of all, don't tell me not to respond.  I'll respond if I feel like it.  I ain't out to please anyone. I DID try to help her with the question at hand...monies owed to the state for a welfare debt of the father.  

You can get all bent out of shape or you can be happy that her case was proven by my "mean" and "nasty" response...unworthy of being posted because I'm not "helping".  And yes, I've stated time and time again that I believe this person is guilty of molesting a child.