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Oct 26, 2024, 10:08:51 AM

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I have joint custody of my daughter and I'm getting ready to move out. Her mom claims that her lawyer told her that I must get a two bedroom apartment and my child must have her own room. Is this true?

I have joint custody of my daughter and I'm getting ready to move out. Her mom claims that her lawyer told her that I must get a two bedroom apartment and my child must have her own room. Is this true?

Your child should have her own room. Although not a legal requirement in most jurisdictions, it is an expected standard. Having her own room also helps prevent spurious complaints of improper behavior and/or living arrangements from being lodged against you.

False allegations have been made in situations where there is only one room, and for that reason alone. For infants this isn't a serious issue, but the older the child the more important it is that he or she have their own room, especially if the child is of the opposite sex.

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