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child support - back owed

Started by stwbshort, Jan 16, 2004, 06:36:38 PM

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I frankly didn't even bother reading all of the post you just wrote.
The only thing I could think of was

---Tell it to the hand---

You cannot tell me that a college educated man does not know that sexually molesting a 3-4 year old, and continuing to molest and emotionally abuse a child untill they are 11-12 does not know that it is wrong.

On one hand you are condeming molesters, on the other you are making excuses for them. You I hope go to therapy to deal with YOUR issues.


   I see why no one in here is seeing what I saw on strwbry's post.  You don't read between the lines!  I guarantee you that college educated man had been doing that since he was probably a teenager.  Learning how to add and multiply and run a company by going to college is not the education to keep his taliwhacker to himself.


I can read between lines just fine thank you very much. There is still no proof that this poster is being anything but an honest caring mother.
What makes me sit back is your posts. Should we ask if maybe you on the other hand is not? Since you are advocating for child molesters.

The OutLaw

You still have not enlightened us onto what it is that you and only you have seen in strwbry's post


  Throwing out ideas on how to possibly cure a problem hardly seems like an advocate to me.  People who don't throw out those ideas and try to brainstorm and don't educate their children do advocate for them.  So, are you advocating for them?


mustang-mustang-mustang ....

I never said I was "messed up in the head" - I said I wondered what was wrong with me.  If you're going to quote people be PRECISE with your words, please.

While I agree with you that as sexual beings, we are not far from "primal" if you will.  HOWEVER!  Read my fingers very carefully (no not the middle one, the typing) ...

I need no responses from you regarding this.  You have your enabling views of sexual offenders, I have mine.  I have to live with how it changed my life.  Okay?  Don't be so presumptuous as to think this DREADFULLY long post of yours is going to change my mind on this issue.  Ain't gonna happen.  Walk in my moccasins my friend ... not just for the abuse, but how it affected my life, how I viewed myself, how I dealt with relationships ... THEN perhaps I'll listen to an edited version of of your thoughts on the matter.

[em]"So, it trickled its way down the line.[/em]

Now if that isn't sick thinking I don't know what is!  Because someone ELSE is wacko they should have a "right" to trickle it my way?  or another child's way?  nonononononononononono

Jail and counseling ... then out to do it all over again to another innocent child.  Oh - well after we've allowed a second life to be ruined, so maybe we made a mistake, eh?  Maybe we should try someting a bit stronger this time, eh?  Life in prison?  Maybe ... but perhaps with more counseling and a bit more lock-up we can save this person ... golly gee whiz - I hope it doesn't happen again after the next release!

Just don't bother with a response, 'cause I'm done with posting to this thread.  I politely agree to disagree with you on the issue, which quite frankly is my right ... and you will not change my mind.  LOL - so stop trying!  ;-)


   If you don't see it, then I'm sorry.  I don't think your blind to it, I just think you haven't read into it enough.  I see a critical error which makes me second guess the situation.  If he is innocent then his lawyer will need to know and should be able to see it.  If he is guilty then there should be enough evidence to get him.  If it is told what the issue is then it will oddly enough change when it gets to court.  Why potentially give away an Innocent until proven guilty man his only defense so that he won't have one.  

   If I told you that my ex put a gun to my head, and that I have proof, but you saw something in a statement I said that clued you into something else, would you let me know of my mistake so that I could fix it in time to make sure that my ex would go to jail without even knowing if my ex actually did it? You my friend would then have just made me tighten up and fix my mistake so that a possibly innocent person would go to jail.


There is no CURE for these people. They are not an infection of body that therapy or education can get rid like antibiotics.

I do educate my children, I educate to them that things like that are worse then sick growths , because they are not human beings, they are animals they prey on children that cannot defend themselfs.

I am an advocate for the victim, not the abuser.


Mustang- I only have one thing to say, whatever your intention was here, just cut it loose.  You will not get the last say, you will not make other people here think this woman is lying, and I am sorry if you have been falsely accused, but the way you defended your own accusers, makes me wonder....are you a pedophile also?  Scary.  If so, get some help now.  Castration doesn't work, this is proven, Rape is a crime of power, and anything can be used to rape, not just a body part.  

So, mustang, if you were abused as a child, and you think "you are just fine, it is in the past" well, IT ISN'T!! Just re-read your posts.  If you think they are normal, you do need help.  NOW, not tomorrow, not the next day, but NOW!

And to Strawberry, soooo sorry for your dtr and what you are going thru.  Perhaps your past cs could be given back to you/your daughter as some type of restitution after he is found guilty.  Until then...keep on lovin!  You're doing great and we, Sparc people, support you!


whatever, i have better things to do then to debate a non existant wording with you.