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A few questions from Virginia

Started by lookinnomore, Sep 15, 2004, 11:05:30 PM

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Sounded not only silly but stupid, I see your postings on here and they are neither friendly or helpful. While I give eveything to this divorced man and his children understand he gives everything to this divorced woman and her children 3 girls.

We don't have to be married to be in the best interest of his children.  I don't fear marriage, but, I don't plan on making more babies so why do I need to get married.  I didn't put a question mark cause I don't really want YOU to answer the question.


LOL!!! I have been waiting for you to reply!! Well said!!

In fact very well said!!!!!!!!!


You're either cheap or you're generous. Which is it? There's no inexpensive way around custody fights.

Sounds like his ex is in a good position to get their two back. And when that happens how much of everything do you think he's going to want to keep giving your three? How much more do you think you're going to sacrifice helping him give everything to her in child support. Notice no question mark there either.

Hmmm. On the other hand, there could be a lot more disposable income in your household minus two kids. How negative could it be no longer having to contribute the child support from your ex to your kids. Oh, wait, let me guess. He's a deadbeat of sorts, right? He's doesn't care about your kids, and your live-in is a much better Daddy than your ex will ever be.

I wasn't aware the only reason people marry is to have children. I thought marriage was more sacred than that. I thought children lived by examples set before them. But hey, it's your choice. Silly, Stupid, Me :(


I am neither cheap or generous, you get what you give in this world and I am reaping the benefits every day of what I give.  I am a stay home mom of 5 wonderful kids.  With 5 kids, you learn ways to do everything inexpesively.

His ex has a slim to no chance of getting these boys back.  The x can't even get the oldest to visit on a regualar basis, and we have had these boys in our "un married" home for going on 5 years.  The children that she has in her home which she tried to prove were his when they weren't  are flunking out of school, undisciplined, and dirty.  Any judge that would take these boys from us would be as supid and silly as you.  I have faith in the judicial system that they will see her (the x) for exactly what she is without naming names.

Disposbale income, minus two kids.  You are a sick twisted MF.  As for the child support from my x, he doesn't pay any.  He lives in Kentucky and doesn't work and pays NOTHING.  The man I live with supports my three children, although he will never be or want to be DADDY!  He is a wonderful man figure though, I was lucky, so kids grow up with no good male role model.  Is thats whats wrong with you?  

I would bet you have never been married and never had children.  Why are you on here anyways?


>Disposbale income, minus two kids.  You are a sick twisted MF.
> As for the child support from my x, he doesn't pay any.  He
>lives in Kentucky and doesn't work and pays NOTHING.  The man
>I live with supports my three children, although he will never
>be or want to be DADDY!  He is a wonderful man figure though,
>I was lucky, so kids grow up with no good male role model.  Is
>thats whats wrong with you?  

So I was right. Your ex doesn't pay a dime, you don't work and your live-in supports your kids, yet he never will or want to be their Daddy? Your kids would not have turned out ok with you being a single, working mom? That's can happens when a woman feels she can't live without a man and take care of her own. That's pretty strange. I suppose it works for him too, as long as he has his kids and his own mother isn't around, he needs a mother to take care both himself and his children.

>I would bet you have never been married and never had
>children.  Why are you on here anyways?

Any monetary figure in that bet? You lose. Married, divorced, a couple of kids tucked in safely, prayers said. A fiance with two children of his own. Idiotic biodad (my kidlets), troublesome biomom (his kidlets). Lots of reasons for me to be here. A wealth of information.


No, I think she has kids, or at least one.  She just got dumped.  He probably figured her out.  Think about it...with an attitude like she has, who is going to stay with her?  Every post I read from her I just laugh...and feel sorry for her child(ren).  Wait, I bet they live with their better half! Their dad!  Hmmm, maybe that is why she is on here harassing us!

Fleeting, you never answered my post I directed to you....must have hit you where it hurt!


True. Very well said and quite a bit more than I've seen you contribute to date. The kind we call an audience. Just sit in the corridors, slap your knees, guffaw. An easy pushover. That's entertainment! Visual: HeeHaw :+.


The nearest psych hospital had a sign posted, "No vacancies." From the Fifth Floor peered an eerily laughing woman from Kansas... nosonew meticulously cross-stitched on her forehead.



You posted on these boards a few months back under "DUMBO"

I beleive you posted on Socs board, one post and went off to never never land, where you belong...

So, you make frequent visits to the psych ward, why am I not surprised?


I have no clue what you think you've got,  what poster you think I might be. If you want to waste time on that, be my guest, but I can assure you I've never posted here under any other handle.

Go ahead and email the moderators. They may verify for you that you're wrong in your assumptions.

Neither am I surprised that anyone will call a normal person with differing views here, a psycho. I've seen postings on various boards. When NCP's run out of truly legitimate reasons to obtain custody, they begin to look into character defamation or hide behind children's rights.

"My ex is crazy. She just had a baby. Could it be post partum depression? She sounds just like Susan Smith to be. I've got to get my kids away. Can I win custody if I say she's nuts?"

I've never seen the inside of a psych ward in my lifetime. nosonew invited me to stop by. I guess she needs company? Someone to stand by her side and hurl insults. I would try to get her released but, please don't hold me responsible, should you end up filling her vacancy in the internet psych ward... where in their "right minds"  anyone can lock up anyone they please. Now that's nevernever land.
