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Suggested Parenting Plan Stipulations

Some of these items may need to be modified to suit specific situations, but should serve as a reasonable point from which to start.

Each party will keep the other party fully and promptly informed of his/her current residence address, home telephone number, name of employer, address of employment and work telephone number.

Both parties shall provide each other with a minimum of 7 days advance written notice of plans to take the child (or children) out of town for more than one day, such notice to include the destination, duration of stay and a telephone number or other reliable method of contacting the absent parent and child in the event of an emergency.

The parent who has primary physical possession of the child (or children) pursuant to this court order during any school function or extra-curricular event which the child attends will have primary physical possession and control of the child at said event.

In the event of illness, accident, or death in the immediate family, additional parenting time shall be allowed so that the children may see the family member upon request or attend the funeral of the deceased family member. "Immediate Family" shall be defined as follows: (define 'immediate family' here).

IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that a bond is hereby waived and that Mother and Father are hereby permanently enjoined from the following acts:

  • Intentionally communicating with the other party in person, by telephone or in writing in a coarse, offensive threatening or harassing manner, with intent to annoy, frighten, coerce, anger or alarm the other party,

  • Going to the residence of the other party at any time or for any purpose other than to exercise and effect specific court-ordered visitation pursuant to this order of this Court. The parties may agree to go to each others' homes with the child (or children)to pick up any belongings the child may need,

  • Interfering in any way with the other party's court-ordered periods of visitation of and access to the child (or children),

  • Planning or arranging any event whatsoever or telling the child (or children) about any event whatsoever which is scheduled or could be scheduled for the child during any of the other party's periods of court-ordered visitation of the child (or children),

  • Assisting or encouraging the child (or children) in any way or for any purpose to decline to be with the other party during that party's court-ordered periods of visitation of or access to the child,

  • In any manner whatsoever suggesting to the other party or demanding of the other party that he or she not exercise all or any portion of his or her court-ordered periods of visitation of the child (or children),

  • Making negative comments concerning the other party in the presence of the child (or children),

  • Refusing to surrender the child (or children) to the other party promptly at the beginning of each of the other party's periods of visitation and refusing to simultaneously return the personal effects, clothing and medicine which accompanied the child (or children), at the close of any period of visitation,

  • Interfering in any way with the other party's reasonable telephone contact with the child (or children).

Complete and comprehensive sets of parenting plans are available from ParentingPlans.net, including a several custom and special needs plans.

Articles in « Parenting Plan Articles »