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Simple Shared Parenting Plan

It also includes a section that provides for a "phasing in" of parenting time. This section may not be needed or may not be appropriate, depending upon your individual situation. Items in [brackets] will need to be filled in.

This is a sample parenting plan and as such we would caution you against using it as an actual parenting plan. A legal, "court-ready", expanded version of this Parenting Plan is available from ParentingPlan.net.

Proposed Shared Parenting Plan

1. This document details the joint legal responsibility and joint physical responsibility for said children, [child's name] and [child's name]. The biological Parents, [father's name] and [mother's name], shall share and participate in the joint legal responsibility and joint physical responsibility for said biological children. That Parents shall share custody of said children as set forth below:

A. A temporary "phasing in" of visitation shall take place due to the impaired relationship between the Father and the children because of previously denied visitation. The temporary visitation will be as follows:

The following visitation will be between father and children ONLY, no supervision, and will be in a neutral, public place. Father will drive to Mothers town for one visit, and Mother will drive to Fathers Town for next visit. Visitation will be for 3 hours, each visit.

[Insert date] - Father drives to Mother's location
[Insert date] - Mother drives to Father's location
[Insert date] - Father drives to Mother's location
[Insert date] - Mother drives to Father's location

The following visitation shall be between father, his wife, and children of that marriage and said children. Visitation will be either in a neutral, public place, or in the fathers home at the Father's discretion. Father will drive to Mother's town for one visit, and Mother will drive to Father's town for next visit. Each visit will be for 3 hours.

[Insert date] - Father drives to Mother's location
[Insert date] - Mother drives to Father's location
[Insert date] - Father drives to Mother's location

The following visitation shall be for one overnight stay. Father will pick children up at Mother's home, [Insert address], at the beginning of the visit. Mother will pick children up at Fathers home, [Insert address], at the end of the visit.

[Insert date]
[Insert date]
[Insert date]

B. That beginning the weekend of [Insert date], the following PERMANENT Parenting Schedule will be in effect:

That Mother shall have Parenting time with said children from one week prior to school beginning, at 6:00 pm to one week after school ends, at 6:00 pm. That Father shall have Parenting Time with said children from one week after school ends at 6PM to one week before school begins (beginning the summer of [Insert date]).


Father shall have Parenting Time with children the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weekend of each month, during the school year, from 6:00 pm Friday to 6:00 pm Sunday. That Mother shall have Parenting Time with children the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weekend of each month, during the summer, from 6:00 pm Friday to 6:00 pm Sunday.


  1. On odd years, Father shall have the children on the following occasions. On even years, Mother shall have the children on the following occasions:
  2. Easter: 6:00 pm Friday preceding Easter until 6:00 pm Sunday.
  3. July 4: 6:00 pm July 3 until 6:00 pm on July 5.
  4. Thanksgiving: 6:00 pm Wednesday preceding Thanksgiving until 6:00 pm Sunday.
  5. Christmas: 6:00 pm day school is out until 8:00 pm Christmas Eve.
  6. On even years, Father shall have the children on the following occasions. On odd years, Mother shall have the children on the following occasions.
  7. Spring Break: 6:00 pm Friday school is out until 6:00 pm Sunday before school resumes.
  8. Memorial Day: 6:00 pm Friday preceding Memorial Day until 6:00 pm Monday.
  9. Labor Day: 6:00 pm Friday preceding Labor Day until 6:00 pm Monday.
  10. Christmas: 8:00 pm Christmas Eve until 6:00 pm January 1.


Fathers Day: Father shall have Parenting Time with said children from 6:00 pm Friday preceding Fathers Day until 6:00 pm Sunday.

Mothers Day: Mother shall have Parenting Time with said children from 6:00 pm Friday preceding Mothers Day until 6:00 pm Sunday.

Each Parent shall have the children on the Parent's birthday from 6:00 pm the day preceding the Parent's birthday until 10:00 am the following day.


For the purpose of summer vacations, each Parent shall be allowed a two (2) week uninterrupted period of Parenting Time with said children. This Parenting Time shall NOT be taken during the Fourth of July holiday, unless it is that Parent's summer for the holiday. Each Parent shall inform the other Parent, in writing, of the dates of his/her vacation with the children no later than May 1st of each year.


  1. Special days and Holidays shall prevail over regular periods of Parenting Time.
  2. With respect to all Holidays and Special Days, including children's birthdays and Parent's birthdays, the Parent exercising Parenting Time shall make known to the other Parent a time and telephone number where the children can be reached for telephone communication.
  3. The Parent with who said children are staying shall be responsible for daily care and shall make necessary decisions regarding education of said children, (academic pursuits at school, signing of report cards, after-school activities in which said children participates, etc.), cultural and artistic training, non-emergency health treatment.
  4. All major medical decisions (including dental, psychiatric, tattoos, body piercing or other alterations), and general welfare (acquisition of passport, changing of name, signing of contracts on behalf of said children, signing of driver's license, etc.), shall be made by the prior written consent of both parties or further order of the Court.
  5. Each Parent shall provide advance notification to the other Parent within twelve (12) hours of any illness or accident requiring medical attention or any medical emergency involving said children, and within two (2) hours of any life threatening illness or accident. Each Parent shall immediately notify the other in the event of the death of said children.
  6. It is expressly understood the enumerated times each Parent shall be with, and responsible for care of said children are NOT subject to modifications by mutual agreement unless in writing, dated, signed and witnessed, and each Parent shall retain a copy. Said children are to receive the MAXIMUM benefit to be derived from the love, care, and attention of both Parents.
  7. In the event either Parent intends to leave said children for a period of forty-eight (48) hours or longer, that Parent shall first offer the other Parent an opportunity for additional time with said children before making other arrangements for the temporary care of said children. Parent leaving said children with the other Parent or with a temporary child care provider, shall notify the other Parent of the duration of the Parenting Time or temporary care of said children by other persons.
  8. It be understood partial or reduced Parenting Time is more beneficial to said children than no Parenting Time. Should valid reason occur, such that one Parent is not able to exercise his/her entire Parenting/vacation time with said children, make-up time shall be allowed and agreed upon in writing, should the Parent request said reduction and make-up time in writing. That both Parents shall cooperate in supplying said children with the full advantage of time with the other Parent.
  9. Each party shall keep the other party informed of the names of all non-related persons residing at or visiting the residence of said children for a period of more than three (3) weeks.
  10. Each party shall keep the other party fully and promply informed of hi/her current residence address, home telphone number, and the name, address and telephone number of employer(s), and shall notify the other party in advance, or within twenty-four (24) hours, of any change of address and/or telephone number, change of employment, or change of address and telephone number of employer(s).
  11. Each party shall be prohibited and enjoined from contacting the employer(s) of the other party for any reason whatsoever. Each party shall not ask, encourage, or allow ANY other person to contact the employer(s) of the other party. All contact with the other party shall be limited during the hours of employment to emergency contact regarding the immediate care of, or urgent health and welfare of said children.
  12. All schools that said children attend, other than local public school, shall be approved by the Parents jointly. In the event the Parents cannot agree to the selection of any other school, said children shall attend the local public school, or an appropriate alternative program provided, by the public school system.
  13. For the benefit and continuity of the education and learning of said children, each Parent shall cooperate, follow through, and assist said children with his/her local educational programs. Should said children be required to attend school during the summer vacation, said children shall attend school at the location of the Mother.
  14. That corporal punishment of said minor children, IF ANY AT ALL, be administered only by the natural Mother or the natural Father. Both parties are restrained from allowing ANY other person to administer corporal punishment to said minor children.
  15. The Father and Mother are enjoined from interfering in any way with the other Parent's court ordered Parenting Time with said children.
  16. The Father and Mother shall not in any manner, or for any reason whatsoever, suggest or demand that the other party should not exercise all or a partial portion of his/her court ordered Parenting time with said children.
  17. The parties shall not plan or arrange any event or opportunity whatsoever during the other Parent's scheduled parenting time, nor shall either party tell said children of any event or opportunity which is scheduled or could be scheduled for said children during the other Parent's parenting time or custodial period. That the parties shall not allow or attempt to persuade said children to ask for or demand an alternate or reduced parenting time or custodial period for the purposes of attending any other event, in the case where said children are already aware of said event or opportunity.
  18. Each party, upon receipt of mail or packages addressed to said children from the other Parent, Step-Parent, or relative of the other Parent, shall see to it that such mail or packages are given unopened to said children, or read to and opened for said children who are unable to do so. The children shall be allowed to retain possession of any appropriate gifts given or sent by the other Parent, Step-parent or relative of the other Parent.
  19. Both Parents shall cooperate fully in any reunification or other counseling/therapy sessions or programs which said children attend, and shall be prompt in transporting said children to and from any local appointments for said counseling/therapy.
  20. In the event of death of either Parent, full legal and physical custody of said children shall be retained by the surviving Parent.
  21. That as long as each Parent has reasonable access to health care, they shall provide medical insurance for said children. Each Parent shall provide the other with all medical insurance information, including a copy of the insurance card.
  22. In the event that one or both Parents do NOT have reasonable access to medical insurance, the Parents shall find a mutually agreeable medical insurance program for said children, and split the cost fifty-fifty (50%-50%).
  23. If either Parent should use a provider outside the approved providers for the insurance, they shall be responsible for 100% of the cost.
  24. In the event either Parent shall incur daycare expenses as the result of employment, the parties shall split daycare costs fifty-fifty (50%-50%).
  25. If either Parent does need the use of a day care provider, the Parents MUST agree on the licensed daycare provider. The Parent incurring such expenses shall submit a copy of the day care bill, along with proof of payment of said bill (i.e. canceled check) to the other Parent within 45 days. The other Parent must submit their portion of day care expenses to the other Parent within 30 days of receipt of documentation.
  26. This Parenting Plan shall supersede all before it, and may not be modified without the mutual written consent of both Parents.

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