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child support - back owed

Started by stwbshort, Jan 16, 2004, 06:36:38 PM

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  Holy moly! Castration! Hey, that's actually not a bad idea. I think many offenders have issues that can be handled with help. However, for those that are repeat offenders or ones that are obiviously beyond help. That would be a good way to turn them off.  


oh, PLEASE don't get me wrong.  if i had a sporke and a couple of minutes alone with him, his thingy would be where the sun doesn't shine.  but since i can't do that, him sitting in jail taking punishment from whomever gives it to him will have to do until the day he meets his creator.  *sorry if your choice of religon isn't God.  but i firmly believe in God and know in my heart that when this man does die, he will have more of a punishment then, then he could ever receive here on earth.  and yes, he has not been proven quilty in a court yet, but concidering the evidence that we (my family and myself along with higher officals )  know they have, he WILL be found quilty and he WILL GO TO JAIL  for the rest of his life.  


----------I think many offenders have issues that can be handled with help. ------------

Don't you get it yet???? The offenders issues are VICTIMS! They are beyond help the first time they act out.


I see, we are to pity your child, but show strawberrys child the same cold indifference you are.

IF you are innocent, then your child is far less in harms way. IF you are guilty, God help you.

It very seldom that a guilty man admits it,, ( ever hear,, everyone in prison is innocent), thus, you are charged, you will be tried and you will either be found guilty or innocent. If it turns out your ex has falsely accused you, I would hope you go after her for the maximum.

But you will never convince me that ALL accusations are false,, I see too damn many children who are torn and bleeding from rape. As far as I am concerned, no punishment is sufficient for these animals. You want to be a pedophile advocate? Stand in front of a room or raped children and say that.

Quite honestly, I do think you have some serious denial issues concerning your own abuse, and I shudder to think, that you may actually one day have your child around the people that abused you. You already stated, they had mult victims over an extended period of time, what makes you think they arent still engaging in their favorite pastime of pop the puppys can?

I'll be following strwbrrys case , but as it stands right now, I wish her the best.


Get a grip...apparently we aren't all as "smart" as you...

The OutLaw

You dont think Mustang owes strabery an apology?


mustang m'dear ... you don't get it.

PEDOPHILIA IS A DISGUSTING CRIME - whether once or multiple times.  

E-N-D  O-F  S-T-O-R-Y

This is a crock of crap - "help the offender" - SORRY!  NO HELP!  ZERO TOLERANCE.

You will not change my mind, so don't even try.  Yep ... I'm narrow minded and closed on the subject.  At 57 yo, I'm allowed.  

Ya see, mustang, I spent 35 friggin' years of my life wondering what was wrong with ME!  Way back in the covered wagon days when I grew up and was molested it was swept under the carpet, not acknowledged, and not did ONE SINGLE PERSON tell me it wasn't my fault -- in fact NObody talked it about.  All the adults pretended it never happened.

Spent most of my adult life screwed up because ONE MAN did ONE thing to me.  Nice - stole a good part of my childhood and life from me.

And I'm not the only one in the world, I realize that.  But dammit, there should NEVER be a SINGLE child who has all that taken away simply because an adult has an "issue."

Now excuse me while I go puke ... everytime I think about these things I get sick to my stomach.


  Well in reality I really don't have a problem with the Castration thing after the first time.  But it has to be an open and shut case.  If there is any doubts then they shouldn't be.  But life in prison? Something just doesn't seem right about that.  


   Okay, I must be wording something wrong here.  Oh well.  When I think of what happened to me, I get sick too, but I don't thrive on it or let it ruin my life.  What happened to you and happened to me is disgusting.  No, it was not your fault, and no, it was not my fault.  But hmmm, You say you were messed up in the head now.  Maybe they were messed up in the head too by someone.  So, it trickled its way down the line.  
    Now, I think you will all have a problem with this.  Reality is that we are not that far away from our caveman instincts as you may think.  Men and Women both fight with there own natural cravings.  Whether they be disgusting or not.  We as a people have said this should be the natural order of things, but mother nature has said something else.  Yes we need to further human kind and do as we feel right, but remember what everyone is actually dealing with is nature.  Some people are more educated than others to know what society wants from them and know what the difference is from right and wrong.  Those who are not as educated tend to follow their animal caveman instincts.  Society says wait a minute go to jail you disgusting creature.  True, that they are.  But this person probably doesn't have the education that we have and needs to be educated on what society says goes.  They need to learn to be not so easily giving to their natural born nastiness.  
   Mother Nature says that a woman is ready when she grows breasts and has her first period.  However society says 18 yrs or older is ready.  We say this because of education.  Mother nature doesn't seem to give a sh*t.  A couple of years ago I new a 19 yr old male who had sex with a 16 year old girl.  He was sentenced to 1 yr in jail for having sex with a minor even though it was consentual.  The girls parent were the ones who persued it.  He had no idea about the 18 thing, and was just letting Mother Nature take its course.  Some people can't find a way to make a relationship with someone their own age yet Mother Nature is still inside them screaming.  They are not right socially and so they have turned to other hideous ways to try and please what Mother Nature is telling them to do.  Unfortunately children are not educated enough to no the difference, and I believe that is why they target them.  Someone who won't tell them no.  These people need to be educated on what Society wants them to do and what the difference is between right and wrong.  My parents both taught my brother's and sisters what is expected of us and we are all successful hard working people.  No major problems except some speeding tickets.  We were all affected by what happened to us as children, but we were taught valuable lessons by our parents.  Mother Nature people has become our enemy.  Thes people need to be educated on Society's wants.  Mother Nature doesn't give a D**N.  In the old days people would get married at 11 , 10 and even still younger ages than that.  In those days it was normal and in some countries it still goes on with normal practice.  If a man molests a 5 year old child he has a serious disgusting problem.  He needs to be educated or castrated, one of the 2.  Jail time? Absolutely, but for life? I don't think he killed anyone.  If you truly look at the stats of child abuse, you couldn't even imagine actual % of children in this world who have been abused.  If we as a people want to hold these standards, then we as a people need to educate everyone about the difference between Mother Nature laws and Society laws.  They are 2 different species.  If a man from another country marries an 11 year old girl where it is completely normal in their society then comes here, would you send this man to jail for life?  I am just trying to break things down to reality not stand up for their disgusting nature.  They need a cure, and we need to find it or it will never stop.  We need to learn how to decifer the clues that show up in a man while they are still young and educate them on the rules society has set and stop it before it happens.  Throwing everyone in jail will never solve the problem.  We need to nip it in the bud from the early years.  Educate them or you will continue to have Mother Nature rule them.  Many times it is truly the parents fault that a man or woman grows up to do these things because they did not educate their children.  Loud and clear people!  You must be a parent and educator to your children.  If you educate your children you will not see them going to jail for crazy bizarre and disgusting things!


The OutLaw

So you think a man that molests a five year old can be educated? I think not. Its a deisease not lack of education.