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Topics - shellcode

We have a 7 year old daughter, i have every other weekend visit and 2 weeks alternating in the summer, and we share joint legal custody while the mother having physical custody.The mother had violated visits in the past, in which i was awarded make-up time, now my court order state, "alternating 2 weeks with child, but it didn't include a time, so today is my visit with my daughter, and she know is my time, she on vacation in Pa, and i don;t when she will be back, can she be charged with kidnapping? and should i file a police report? because i have a court date coming in Sep 9, she file a petition excusing me of false accusation of neglect, and wants to take her away from me, and she wants to file full custody with me having limit visits? what can i do?

Im plan to to get more visit with my daughter on school days, since we close by to each other.... i believe having more time is reasonable
We have a 7 year old daughter, i have every other weekend visits and 2 weeks alternating in summer, the mother has violated my visit back in 2010, and numerous in other times, like including the month past she wasn't in her home when i told her i was going pick up( than few hrs later calling me to get her, she like playing games) so i file a police report....So now the mother file a petition to take full custody for no reason, saying," i don;t feed my kid,i don;t bath her, the child doesn't want to go with u...and she wants to limit my visit, seriously i really don;t know what wrong with her, she maybe suffering from something, i don;t if she haunted by our past relationship and she takes it out of our kid...she don;t let me be a father, and making all this lie I'm afraid what else she going to say next that i molested her? this woman is very dangerous i don;t what measure to take in a case like this, i don;t want to take custody away from the mom i like to increased visitation, can that be possible? or full custody? would be better?
Visitation Issues / modify visitation to custody?
Jul 11, 2013, 07:27:46 AM
My daughter is 7, i have every other weekends visitation, and the mother physical custody, and we share joint legal custody...She had violated my visit numerous times within 3 years time frame...back in 2010 i was awarded make-up visit, and than she put a order of protection for no reason try to keep my kid away from me, but later was dropped, and now i was supposed to get my daughter tuesday( yesterday) i told her my 2 weeks has starting, for her to be ready at 12..i went over to her resident her father told me," she not here she left." i file a police report," and her father gave me a court hearing paper that she put me to court, and stating," that I'm neglectful, i don;t bath her, i don;t feed her, and that my daughter does not want to go with me," and is a complete lie!!
Additional information
sorry i didn;t mention i have 2 weeks alternating every month for summer...there's no way to communicate with her mother, she does not want to talk to me, shutting me down, having her father do all the talking for her, and now she wants to get full custody and sole legal of my daughter and saying all this lie this been going on for 3 year or 5 and nothing has change.... -
I have visitation every other weekend, while the mother has physical custody, and we share alternating every 2 weeks in the summer.The mother has been violated visit's in the past, i was awarded make-up time back in Jan 2011 or 12 i believe...Now my court order says alternating 2 weeks but no set day or time, so I'm trying to ask the mother when can i have her? she won't give me a answer, she said if i keep texting her she going to block my number and have her number changed...This is ridicolus i have to go threw this, she 25 years old live with her mom,married,live with her parents and her husband and having another kid on the way while my daughter sleep with her grandparents...why be a mother if she can;t contact me regarding our daughter i'm willing to talk to her but she can;t do that
Me and my ex live in NYC, and our daughter is 6 we have joint legal custody , while her having physical custody, and me every other weekend visits.I ask if my daughter been to the dentist, she told me yea last summer, than i ask my daughter if mommy took you she told me," no" but the ex giving me a hard time providing information, seems like she doesn;t want me to take her or something, i really try to co-parent with her but she wants to take things her way, i would like find out, but i need my kid medicaid she going to denied me that, cuz we had a dispute about that...

if she denying to take my kid to the dentist, can i file for sole legal? or is not that bad of a situation?
Visitation Issues / court order to be enforced?
Nov 14, 2012, 06:46:04 PM

mother violated visitation 6 times with 3 years.I have every other weekend visits and she has physical custody, and we share joint legal custody..If i file for a enforcment what are the options? because she violated my visit on October 19, and left to Dominican Republican without my permission,and telling me my daughter would be back with her grandmom and it was a lie. I wont file custody, but i want more visitation with my daughter who 6 years, and me and the mom live in NYC, i told her let me have her 1 week with her and i take her to school . and she could 1 week with her, she said no. that's not stable.and talking crap about me....I'm trying to talk to her many times, but is like talking to a 15 year old, i will be seeing a lawyer soon. any idea would be great, Should i be filing for Joint custody?
mother violated visitation 6 times with 3 years.I have every other weekend visits and she has physical custody, and we share joint legal custody..If i file for a enforcment what are the options? because she violated my visit on October 19, and left to Dominican Republican without my permission,and telling me my daughter would be back with her grandmom and it was a lie. I wont file custody, but i want more visitation with my daughter who 6 years, and me and the mom live in NYC, i told her let me have her 1 week with her and i take her to school . and she could 1 week with her, she said no. that's not stable.and talking crap about me....I'm trying to talk to her many times, but is like talking to a 15 year old, i will be seeing a lawyer soon. any idea would be great, Should i be filing for Joint custody?
Visitation Issues / visitation denied?
Oct 18, 2012, 05:54:55 PM
Hello, I live in NY, so does my ex and my 6 year old daughter.She has physical custody while we share joint legal custody, and i have every other weekend visits from Friday 5pm to Sunday 6pm.My ex first violation was back in Nov, 2010 and the second was in Dec 2010, i filed a violation and was awarded make-up time.Now in 2011 she violated again and put a order of protection against me ( falsley accused) and also violated my visits again on my daughter bday, so i called the cops went to the mother house, and her father told them that she went shopping.So i filed a police report, went back to court, but the judge didn't address the issues, and told us to fix the order of protection...few months we settle, and try to fix our problem. So now another violation has oocured the mother told me she getting married to guy she met in Dominician Republican,and that she would her daughter there, i was skeptic not to let my daughter go, so my ex took me to court, and she told the judge that our daughter would be back in time for my visitation, and that her daughter would go to DR in the mother's time.So i believed her and i did sign the passport..

And than i receive a text saying" that she might not get married," and she said that my child would be back because her grandmother is going as well, and she bring her back because she got school, and i have visitation..And next thing i know ( this happend friday) she told me that her and her mother and the child are leaving Saturday October 14, and we not coming back on the 22nd of visits starts on the 19..i been tricked and she left the country, her plans for the trip was been booked to leave the country the 14 and come back on the 22nd and i didn;t realize it, i been lie and maniplulate into her tricks,Now i'm going to court, and file a police report,my question is can this be a change of custody? i be texting her, and i get no answer from her, i can';t call her because she said she need a sim card that she going to buy one and call me with a different, she has not for the past few days.....
I live in NYC, we have a 6 year old daughter, i did not want to sign the passport, but i did because the mother told me, that my daughter coming back because her grandmother is coming back with her.Well she lie and now she went to out of the country, and my visitation is on friday on October 19, i have every other weekend and the mother has physcial custody and we share legal custody,
Father's Issues / ex me wants to sign passport?
Aug 14, 2012, 01:31:45 PM
We have a 6 year old daughter we both live in NYC.She has physical custody, we share joint legal custody, and i have every other weekend, and 2 weeks alternating every month.She wanted me to sign the passport before, but we came into agreement if she drop the order of protection( i was falsely accused of it) but it got settle.So now we had a lil dispute she gave me a hard for me to get my daughter on Monday, saying lies there etc, that nobody be home or what, and find out it wasn;t true because i called her father saying i'm going to pick up my daughter,because my ex girl lives with her parents, and my daughter grandfather takes care of her..

So after what happend she wants to me to sign? i said NO, she gave me threats( which the way i took it) saying, "I'm getting married and no way in hell Im going forbid u for me not to have my daughter at my wedding,"! Now i really don't trust her, so my questions is if she put me to court, would the judge make me sign? because i read i have that right to refuse not to sign...
Me and my ex have a 6 year old daughter,i have her every 2 weeks for the summer and does the mom, she has physical custody, and i have every other weekend visit when school starts, and we have joint legal custody.So we had a lil dispute today, and i i told her im going to get my daughter monday, cuz the mom works so she stays with her grandfather, cuz is my time to get her and she telling me No, i have to wait to wait til she come back at 9pm there no time on the agrement in the court order,than she tells me nobody going to be home and saying her father ain't going to let me in like she being a jerk? should i call the cops? or take her back to court? cuz we did had a big custody battle, she has a history of violated visits.... any help would be appreciate...
Me and my ex have a 6 year old daughter,i have her every 2 weeks for the summer and does the mom, she has physical custody, and i have every other weekend visit when school starts, and we have joint legal custody.So we had a lil dispute today, and i i told her im going to get my daughter monday, cuz the mom works so she stays with her grandfather, cuz is my time to get her and she telling me No, i have to wait to wait til she come back at 9pm there no set time on the agreement in the court order,than she tells me nobody going to be home and saying her father ain't going to let me in like she being a jerk! should i call the cops? or take her back to court? cuz we did had a big custody battle, she has a history of violated visits.... any help would be appreciate...
Father's Issues / a question about custody?
Jun 28, 2012, 10:43:09 AM
Me and my ex lives in NYC, we have a 6 year old daughter, we both share legal custody, she has physical custody while me having every other weekend visits.And we also have alternating 2 weeks in the summer, the time this order was granted was couple of months ago, she was not working so she had full time with the child, but now she does work full time m-f and she get weekends off, but the child stays with the grandfather i live like 15 or 20 mins away.

So my question is it possible to have custody with my daughter during the summer? another thing the mother went to another country twice this year, and leaving the child with the grandparents, and now she going again next month, she goes because she met a "boyfreind" that she barely even know and about to get married soon, not that i don't mind she stay with the grandparents, i believe i could be responsible for her and stay with her while the mother works and she took take her back on friday when she comes home from work...
Me and the ex live in NYC, our child is 6 years old, the mother has physical custody while me having every other weekend visits,and we have joint legal custody,while we alternate every 2 weeks for the summer.The mother has been out the country 2 twice this year, she met a guy over there, supposedly engage so soon.Now she wants to take our daughter over there on her 2 weeks that she has time with our daughter, she be going with her mother.And now she claiming that the guy might live with them in the U.S.A.My ex lives with her parents and she like 23 years, she work full time m-f 10-7,and the grand mother works also.The grandfather does not work he stays home all day..Taken care the child while the mother and grandmother works, so if this guy lives there, im not going to allowed it..I go to school tueday and thursday 6-9 so i have more time with my daughter, so my question is it possible to have physical custody of her? cuz now the ex is threating me to take me back to court cuz i won;t sign the possible..

Me and my ex live in NYC.We have a 6 yr old child together.I have every other weekend visits and her with physical custody, and we have joint legal custody.She went on vacation on March for a week,she met somebody over there and now they "engaged" which i believe is ridiculous to soon.But anyway she went back this month and stood another week and left my daughter with her grandparents, Now she might go back I don;t know when but if she does she going to take our daughter to the Dominican Republican basically to be with him, but i don;t know that man to have my daughter around! So I'm not going to sign no passport for her to be with him, and have my daughter around especially in a foreign country..

cases like this what can be done?
Custody Issues / in a nasty mess with ex
Apr 17, 2012, 08:34:17 PM
Me and my ex live in N.Y.C we have a 5 year old daughter,she has physical custody and i have every other weekend visits.With 2 weeks in the summer and 2 weeks with the mom.She put a order of protection accusing me falsely and im still fighting the case, this been going on since last year.She has violated my visits many times.

Now even with the oop in place we still communicating (on the down low) trying to works things out but it seem is not working.Because my daughter went to the E.R she has a bad infection on the eye and the mother didn't tell me i found out in facebook.And i question her why she didn;t tell me she said she dont need too know, knowing we have( joint legal custody)

And when she upset she wants to elimanate from my child saying, I'm going to change my number.DOnt tXT me,I'm' trying my best but this woman dont understand how to be a parent she think about herself

what can i do? should i go back to court? something has to be done so she could stop her bullshyt..
I have a recent topic i posted before,but today i had court date.The judge sound more like therapist lol I mean we seen this judge many times,so she said that me and my ex need alot of communiction,she said that my visits getting suspend is not going to happend.And my ex having sole legal aint gunna happend either.And for me to sign the passport and that if my ex try to abduct the child,that i will get sole custody!So we was talking about the whole situation i feel like she was helping us communicate,the ex did violate me on thanksgiving,so the judge said the child has to be with daddy even sick,because the child sickness was not serious.So she let us go,you think that judge did the right thing??
Father's Issues / prevent child abduction?
Dec 07, 2011, 07:08:14 AM
Me and my ex live In NYC.We have a 5 year old daughter.We have Join legal custody,she has physical custody and i have every other weekend visitation.And 2 weeks alternating summer with my daughter and the ex too.My visitation order states,''if the parent goes out of state the other parent should be notify and a number,address,should be provided."But it does not state anything about leaving the country,the ex has violated my visits numerous times,and to suspend visits, and I'm concerned because she wants sole legal custody for no reason,because she wants to travel to Dominican Republic

And i refuse to sign the passport,because we once spoke about it,and i told her i think about it,now she comes out of nowhere asking the court to grant her sole legal custody just like that!

she wants to go DR for the summer, but I'm concerned she wont be back for visitation

would i be in contempt if i dont sign?
I live in NYC so does my ex we have a 5 year old daughter.I awarded visitation back in June 4,2010  to every other weekend from Friday 5pm to Sunday 6pm.I was violated in November 25,2010 on the Thanksgiving holiday mother wasn't home,so i filed a violation and a police report,and than on Dec,10,2010 i was violated again,so i did the same thing filed another violation and a police report.And than we had court date Feb 8,2011 in which i was awarded make-up visits.So than after that every thing was going smooth until around April things start to go out of hand,around April ,29 i was denied because my daughter didn;t want to come with me,at that time i didnt want to get the cops involed,so i went to court file a violation,and than on May 13,same bullcrap,she didnt had the child ready!

And refuse to get her ready,and i was about to call the cops her father got in and kicked me out the house,so i called the cops and they came and asked,"if u want the child," i said never mind this much for my daughter i'm going go to court and go for custody.And now she goes to file a petition stating,she wants my visits suspend because the child don;t want to go blah blah,so we had court date for that i didn;t speak to well because i was nervous,and she didn't either so judge dimissed the case(this happend may 25,2011) that same date she filed a order of protection against me for no reason because she knew that my visits with my daughter is on her birthday she turn 5,but i still went to get my daughter i had police acompany me to her house found out she wasn;t home her father said she left shopping in queens.

So i filed a violation and for custody,so we had court date August ,22 2011.That case got dismissed with out prejudiced,because of the OOP against me.I been fighting this oop since june 15,2011, we had court date after court date,so now around october 26,2011 court date for the OOP,we went but it was adjoured until Dec 8,2011

And than again lol the ex goes filed another petition saying,she wants sole legal custody,that i'm maltreating our child,i don't feed her,bath her,she come with rashes(which is not tru) that i yell at my daughter in front of mom,she said i was diagnose with retardation,and wants to suspend all visits! And she want to go Dominican Republic in the summer to visit family.So i have a court date for that same date as the OOP Dec 8,2011

And than now on thanksgiving she violated saying the child is sick,with fever,vomit,and dirreaha,and that was it no further information on her health, i got that txt around 9.30am.So friday i went to the hospital to get the child medical records,the child was bought in but discharge,she didn't had a fever,or dirreaha,just vomit minor illness of a stomach bug,but she could of went to school(if there was school)So i believe she could attend visitation because i could of take care of her the hospital was close to me than it is to her.And the child could eat,like fruits,alot of water,or food that simple to digest.

i know sound crazy lol but that's what im going thru, i think the ex has emotinal issues,mental issues or something,she going to keep doing it because she think everthing is going to be her way,and the judge not scaring her! So are they any options that can be taken? have her evaluated? or request a Guadian ad litem??
i would be having a lawyer on Dec 8
I'm in a custody battle i posted my situation in recent topics.But i have a question? i have christmas day holiday on sunday 12-7 but i also have weekends with my daughter,but the mother has christmas eve

how does that conflict with my weekned visitation which also falls on christmas holiday? and the mother has christamd eve

State of:NY

I have every other weekend visits and holidays,and joint legal custody.I was violated 2 times back in 2010 and was award make-up visits.And than was denied on my daughter bday this year,but the mother false accused of domestic violence.So case got dismissed,but I'm still fighting the order of protection.

So i have another accusation the mom is saying,"i don't feed my daughter,don;t bath her' that i was diagnose with retardation,she wants sole legal custody,because she want to flight out the country to see family,and she wants to suspend my visits!!

And now on thanksgiving i have my daughter 12-7 supposed to get the child at the precint,i got a txt from the Grandmother claiming the child is sick,and the mother was going her to the hospital,but didnt give me information on her health,and visit was denied.

so i went to the hopsital friday,and found out my name is not on the emergency contact,and also i got the record that the child was admitted but discharge same day,not serious,child is well,and could return work/school and no medication was given!

so is the mother held of contempt?? i have the childs medical records,and if the mother is held in contempt what action can i take? i have court date dec 8
Visitation Issues / is mother in contempt?
Nov 25, 2011, 08:19:08 PM
I supposed to thanksgiving day with my daughter 12-7 by court order visits.But i have false accusation order of protection which im fighting for.So i get txt from my daughter grandmother saying the child is sick,and that she going to the hospital and that it no further information from the mother.

So i have exchange to pick-up and drop off my daughter at the precint,And i try to get a police report,but the cop didn;t, he "said if the child is sick than she sick"So he call the grandmom asking if it tru and she said,"we have a doctor note.

is that a vaild reason to denied visitation? is she held in contempt? i could of took the child to the hosptial.So today i have visits again,and her grandmom dropped her off the child seem very well just a lil cold,and the starting up a arguement,and i told her i could of took her to the hospital,she said no because u a bum,insulting me of my child,and she was talking to the child mom on the phone..

I don't know what to do,evertime i get my child and try to be a parent they wanna fight,and insult me