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Review of ''Mom's House, Dad's House''

Mom's House, Dad's House is billed as a "Complete Guide for Parents Who Are Separated, Divorced, or Remarried". That's an impossibly tall order to fill, but Mom's House, Dad's House does come filled with useful ideas and techniques. The practical solutions found in the book will significantly aid any set of divorced or separated parents who are able to cooperate and communicate in matters relating to their children. Unfortunately, as with many other guides that deal with collaborative post-divorce child-raising schemes, the problem is that if one parent isn't able or isn't willing to work together as a team, the concept fails in practice.

Another major obstacle to making the advice in Mom's House, Dad's House a reality is that much, if not all, of the well thought out plans detailed in the book depend on some form of shared or joint custody being practiced. This one factor rules out an estimated 70 to 80 percent of existing custody situations, as 'sole custody' orders have been the standard in Family and Domestic courts for close to twenty years. As this misguided societal convention changes, custody arrangements as in shown in Mom's House, Dad's House will become the norm.

There are only a few items that fall in the negative list for this book. The latest revision of Mom's House, Dad's House was in November of 1997, and some aspects of the landscape in Family and Domestic courts have changed considerably in that time. More seriously, there is no denying that properly implementing the plans and cooperative frameworks outlined in the book will be a complex and demanding task. Although certainly to the benefit of the children, one wonders how likely it is that parents who couldn't successfully manage being married will be able to manage an even more difficult set of rules, guidelines, and undertakings. Add to that the probable animosity between ex-spouses that is commonplace after divorce, and the chances of success appear even more distant.

Mom's House, Dad's House does contain quite a bit of information that you can make use of, even if your spouse is antagonistic and uncooperative. Even if you're the only one that reads the book, you'll still have an increased ability to manage events and provide solutions when problems do arise. Although these solutions may not be as optimal as they would be in a collaborative environment, they're likely to be more workable than they would be otherwise. Because Mom's House, Dad's House encourages creative thinking, you'll have the benefit of more options, avenues, and ideas available to you.

If you and your soon-to-be ex are both willing to read Mom's House, Dad's House and put forth an honest and dedicated effort to making it work, the entire family will all benefit in no uncertain way. Mom's House, Dad's House would be an excellent addition to the library of every parent who has a joint or shared custody arrangement.

Based on price (low) as well as content (practical, yet tricky to implement), we rate Mom's House, Dad's House as a 3-star resource (on a scale of 1 to 5).

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